Documents pour Lieu cité : Kavumu

1 à 22 de 22 documents sélectionnés

Attention : les documents cochés dans la colonne G expriment l'idéologie des auteurs du génocide contre les Tutsi ou se montrent tolérants à son égard
Doc G Fiche Date Auteur Titre Source
P 5699 June 24, 1994 Peterson, Scott 190777 64: French soldiers check their gear at the airport June 24, 1994 in Bukavu, Zaire. The soldiers will next head to the Nyarushishi Tutsi refugee camp in Rwanda to demonstrate France's neutral and humanitarian intentions during Operation Turquoise, despite French support for the Hutu government. (Photo by Scott Peterson/Liaison) Getty
P 5700 June 24, 1994 Peterson, Scott 190777 63: French soldiers pack their equipment onto trucks at the airport June 24, 1994 in Bukavu, Zaire. The soldiers will next head to the Nyarushishi Tutsi refugee camp in Rwanda to demonstrate France's neutral and humanitarian intentions during Operation Turquoise, despite French support for the Hutu government. (Photo by Scott Peterson/Liaison) Getty
P 5705 June 24, 1994 Peterson, Scott 190777 58: French troops arrive at the airport June 24, 1994 in Bukavu, Zaire. The soldiers will next head to the Nyarushishi Tutsi refugee camp in Rwanda to demonstrate France's neutral and humanitarian intentions during Operation Turquoise, despite French support for the Hutu government. (Photo by Scott Peterson/Liaison) Getty
P 5708 June 24, 1994 Peterson, Scott 190777 55: French troops arrive at the airport June 24, 1994 in Bukavu, Zaire. The soldiers will next head to the Nyarushishi Tutsi refugee camp in Rwanda to demonstrate France's neutral and humanitarian intentions during Operation Turquoise, despite French support for the Hutu government. (Photo by Scott Peterson/Liaison) Getty
P 5714 June 24, 1994 Peterson, Scott 190777 49: French troops check their gear at the airport June 24, 1994 in Bukavu, Zaire. The soldiers will next head to the Nyarushishi Tutsi refugee camp in Rwanda to demonstrate France's neutral and humanitarian intentions during Operation Turquoise, despite French support for the Hutu government. (Photo by Scott Peterson/Liaison) Getty
P 5715 June 24, 1994 Peterson, Scott 190777 48: French soldiers eat at the airport June 24, 1994 in Bukavu, Zaire. The soldiers will next head to the Nyarushishi Tutsi refugee camp in Rwanda to demonstrate France's neutral and humanitarian intentions during Operation Turquoise, despite French support for the Hutu government. (Photo by Scott Peterson/Liaison) Getty
P 5716 June 24, 1994 Peterson, Scott 190777 47: French soldiers arrive at the airport June 24, 1994 in Bukavu, Zaire. The soldiers will next head to the Nyarushishi Tutsi refugee camp in Rwanda to demonstrate France's neutral and humanitarian intentions during Operation Turquoise, despite French support for the Hutu government. (Photo by Scott Peterson/Liaison) Getty
P 5723 June 24, 1994 Peterson, Scott 190777 42: French troops arrive at the airport June 24, 1994 in Bukavu, Zaire. The soldiers will next head to the Nyarushishi Tutsi refugee camp in Rwanda to demonstrate France's neutral and humanitarian intentions during Operation Turquoise, despite French support for the Hutu government. (Photo by Scott Peterson/Liaison) Getty
P 5728 June 24, 1994 Peterson, Scott 190777 33: French soldiers wait with supplies at the airport June 24, 1994 in Bukavu, Zaire. The soldiers will next head to the Nyarushishi Tutsi refugee camp in Rwanda to demonstrate France's neutral and humanitarian intentions during Operation Turquoise, despite French support for the Hutu government. (Photo by Scott Peterson/Liaison) Getty
P 5730 June 24, 1994 Peterson, Scott 190777 30: French troops work on a truck at the airport June 24, 1994 in Bukavu, Zaire. The soldiers will next head to the Nyarushishi Tutsi refugee camp in Rwanda to demonstrate France's neutral and humanitarian intentions during Operation Turquoise, despite French support for the Hutu government. (Photo by Scott Peterson/Liaison) Getty
P 5732 June 24, 1994 Peterson, Scott 190777 28: French soldiers arrive at the airport June 24, 1994 in Bukavu, Zaire. The soldiers will next head to the Nyarushishi Tutsi refugee camp in Rwanda to demonstrate France's neutral and humanitarian intentions during Operation Turquoise, despite French support for the Hutu government. (Photo by Scott Peterson/Liaison) Getty
P 5734 June 24, 1994 Peterson, Scott 190777 22: French soldiers check equipment at the airport June 24, 1994 in Bukavu, Zaire. The soldiers will next head to the Nyarushishi Tutsi refugee camp in Rwanda to demonstrate France's neutral and humanitarian intentions during Operation Turquoise, despite French support for the Hutu government. (Photo by Scott Peterson/Liaison) Getty
P 5735 June 24, 1994 Peterson, Scott 190777 01: French soldiers unload equipment at the airport June 24, 1994 in Bukavu, Zaire. The soldiers will next head to the Nyarushishi Tutsi refugee camp in Rwanda to demonstrate France's neutral and humanitarian intentions during Operation Turquoise, despite French support for the Hutu government. (Photo by Scott Peterson/Liaison) Getty
P 5737 June 24, 1994 Peterson, Scott 190777 18: French troops arrive at the airport June 24, 1994 in Bukavu, Zaire. The soldiers will next head to the Nyarushishi Tutsi refugee camp in Rwanda to demonstrate France's neutral and humanitarian intentions during Operation Turquoise, despite French support for the Hutu government. (Photo by Scott Peterson/Liaison) Getty
P 5738 June 24, 1994 Peterson, Scott 190777 17: French troops arrive at the airport June 24, 1994 in Bukavu, Zaire. The soldiers will next head to the Nyarushishi Tutsi refugee camp in Rwanda to demonstrate France's neutral and humanitarian intentions during Operation Turquoise, despite French support for the Hutu government. (Photo by Scott Peterson/Liaison) Getty
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fgtquery v.1.9, 9 février 2024