Fiche du document numéro 8760

Mardi 8 juillet 2014
The case of the attack against the Falcon aircraft in Rwanda – Examining magistrates Poux and Trevidic close the case.
On 8th July 2014, Examining magistrates POUX and TREVIDIC decided to end the investigation into the attack against the Falcon aircraft that occurred on 6 April 2014 while landing at Kigali airport.

Since their intervention, incriminating and exonerating evidence was finally investigated.
This decision is a very important step for the progress of the case.
The case was opened in 1998. Judge Bruguière handled the proceedings and accused the RPF of being behind the attack.

The Defence for the Rwandan individuals implicated by the judge was able to demonstrate that the facts and evidence on which judge Bruguière had relied were erroneous, false and forged.

All of the direct testimonies were false. The indirect testimonies were made by opponents of the regime and contributed nothing to the progress of the investigation. An independent examination conducted on site led to the conclusion that the hypothesis of the Masaka shooting zone evoked by the principal accusers was incorrect, and that the shooting zone was rather to be found at camp Kanombe or its immediate vicinity, a shooting zone which was inaccessible to R.P.F. forces at the time, a fact recently confirmed by General Roméo Dallaire. The investigation should have focused on the Hutu extremists’ camp, which the Bruguière investigation failed to do.

The fact of trying to blame the crash of 6 April 1994 and the tragic events that took place from April to July 1994 on the persons who had heroically put an end to the terrible genocide of the Tutsi that occurred in Rwanda in April 1994, and whose own families had been killed during the genocide, was one of the worst manipulations in French judicial history.

In doing so, those who manipulated the French courts aimed to prevent the investigation from focusing on the camp held by Hutu extremists and their accomplices, including in France, the selfsame individuals who successfully carried out the coup started on 6 April 1994 and installed a genocidal government following the assassination of the Prime Minister and the President of the Constitutional Council by the presidential guard at a time when the aforementioned individuals were to form an interim government.

The manipulation of the French courts reached a shameful result. It prevented the French courts from asking the difficult questions with regard to the attack against the aircraft, the coup and the genocide of the Tutsi, all of which implicate the Rwandan genocidaires and their accomplices, in France.

It also helped to trigger unprecedented media attention aimed at blaming Rwanda’s Tutsi community and its leaders and at destabilizing Rwanda internationally for purposes that remain unclear.
However, facts are stubborn thing and the truth is gradually coming to light. “Les Faits sont têtus”
The Defence, which has been very patient, now awaits the case’s timely dismissal, as soon as possible, in favour of the persons named in unjustified arrest warrants that were very appropriately lifted by the Examining magistrates.

We wish to recall that the persons wrongfully implicated wish for a complaint to be filed and examined against those who so perverted judicial truth by becoming the perpetrators of an attempted perversion of justice committed by an organized group, regarding this attack that was followed by a planned genocide.

There can be no compromises in this regard, out of respect for the millions of victims of the perpetrators of the genocide and of their accomplices, regardless of where they might be.

For the Defence,

Lef Forster Bernard Maingain

fgtquery v.1.9, 9 février 2024