Fiche du document numéro 27543

Thursday April 21, 1994
The Massacres in Rwanda: Hope Is Also a Victim
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For the past two weeks, massacre and lawlessness have spread into Kigali and beyond, destroying the West's efforts to
promote democracy and respect for human rights. Diplomats and aid officials fear Rwanda could turn into another Somalia, whose society has been so torn apart by civil war that it is barely able to survive.
Article de journal
Tiny Rwanda has never been strategically significant in world politics. But for more than two
decades this poor, overpopulated central African country has been a successful laboratory for foreign
Its small size, cooperative government, relative lack of corruption and excellent roads, telephone
systems and electric utilities attracted hundreds of millions of dollars to test development projects
and made the country largely dependent on international generosity.
But after two weeks in which tens of thousands of people have been massacred and thousands of
Europeans and Americans have fled, much of Rwanda's gains have been threatened or lost. Even if
stability is restored quickly, the hope of reclaiming the agricultural or industrial achievements in less
than five years appears bleak.
The killing and the anarchy have now spread beyond Kigali, the capital, destroying the West's efforts
to promote democracy and respect for human rights, the quid pro quo for aid in Africa in recent
years. For the moment, several hundred million dollars of aid has been suspended. Without foreign
aid workers, many programs have stopped.
Faced first with the crisis caused by the hundreds of thousands of refugees, Rwanda must also
replace an educated elite of Rwandans who have fled or have been killed. Short Term Is Bleak
Diplomats and aid officials are also unsure of Rwanda's ability to maintain a stable democracy. They
fear Rwanda may become another Somalia, whose society has been so torn apart by civil war that it
is barely able to survive.
"They will have to start again on Square 1," said Armon Hartmann, head of the Eastern and Southern
African section of the Swiss Development Cooperation, a major donor. "They will have to prove to
us that they can qualify for our technical assistance. To come back to the level we had just a few
weeks ago could take four or five years."
But in Kigali the violence continues. Rwandan police officers executed 16 people today who were
pulled from more than 5,000 refugees huddled in the national stadium, The Associated Press
reported. On Tuesday, Rwandan Army troops shelled the stadium, killing 40.
Hundreds of United Nations peacekeepers also withdrew today, reducing the contingent of 2,500 by
half, The A.P. said. Among those who left were more than 450 Belgians, 213 Bangladeshis and 144
Ghanaians. The Security Council, preoccupied with Bosnia, has taken no decisive action on Rwanda
since the killing began two weeks ago. The Warring Parties
The fighting, provoked by a suspicious plane crash on April 6 that killed the Presidents of Rwanda
and neighboring Burundi, both Hutu, has been fed by tribal hatred between the majority Hutu and the
minority Tutsi.
But the killing, at least in its initial stages, was mostly politically motivated, set off by hard-line Hutu
who disapproved of a new Government that integrated Hutu and Tutsi.
"There is a determination to dominate politically," said David Rawson, the United States
Ambassador to Rwanda, who was evacuated home last week. "It is heart rending -- the beauty of the
whole place, the responsiveness of the people, their desire for a better life, for democracy and
development, set against this intense struggle to dominate, a struggle for political power.
"If you get into a stalemate and trench warfare in which the country totally exhausts itself and there
is anarchy in the countryside, then we could have taken a step backward into Somalia." Poverty
Breeds Dependence
With about 8 million inhabitants in 10,169 square miles, Rwanda is one of the world's poorest
countries, the second most densely populated after Bangladesh. With an economy more than 90
percent agricultural, nearly every bit of land is under cultivation. In 1992, it had a gross national
product of $1.6 billion and a debt of $873 million, and more than 50 percent of its budget was
covered by foreign aid.
Belgium, a former colonial power and one of the biggest donors, provided about $30 million a year
in the late 1980's and early 90's, followed by France, Germany and Switzerland. The United States
provided $20 million a year in development aid until last year, when the figure fell to $14 million as
Washington switched its funds to assistance for the hundreds of thousands of refugees created by the
simmering civil wars in both Rwanda and Burundi.
Since the beginning of the civil war in 1990, foreign donors have been putting increasing pressure on
the Government to make peace with the rebels of the Rwandan Patriotic Front, most of whom are
"This country was conscious of its situation and that it needed foreign help to survive," said a senior
Belgian diplomat in Nairobi. "After such a disaster, it will take some time to re-establish relations."
Putting Aid to Good Use
Rwanda has attracted donors for many reasons. Its needs are desperate, but the country is small
enough that the impact of aid can be quickly seen. Communications were good, and rural
development was a Government priority.
"It was a country with a very good record, proposing and implementing development activities,"
Ambassador Rawson said. "Obviously our democratization efforts aren't getting very far. If only we
could somehow get a cease-fire, if you could find a number of qualified people still living or bring
them back from abroad."
But to many of the relief workers evacuated last week and now waiting in Nairobi in the hope of
eventually providing food, medical care and other assistance, the biggest hurdle is not winning back
donors but recreating an atmosphere of confidence among the Rwandans.
"There will be a lack of trust among Rwandans," said Steve Wallace, field director in Rwanda for
CARE International. "I don't think people will be wanting to work together and move the society
ahead. There was a huge investment of time, effort and money. Many of the development projects
will be casualties of this episode. It is pretty depressing."
Photo: A Red Cross representative tallying the dead on Tuesday after rebels in Rwanda shelled a
stadium in the capital that was packed with refugees. (Associated Press) Map of Rwanda.

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