Fiche du document numéro 18869

Janvier 2013
Rwanda 2012. Bibliographie

RWANDA, 2012

The University of Texas at Austin

Cette bibliographie recense les études portant, en tout ou en partie, sur le Rwanda
et publiées en 2012.
La nomenclature de Rwanda, 1990-2011: Une Bibliographie, publiée en 2011, est
reprise intégralement dans ce supplément pour classer les publications de 2012.
N’apparaissent plus cependant que les classes dans lesquelles un article, un livre ou un
rapport ont été publiés.
On consultera l’introduction de la bibliographie de 2011 sur les principes du
classement, la sélection des entrées et les formats éditoriaux ( qui sont ici les mêmes.
Généralement parlant, on peut constater qu’en 2012 la recherche se concentre sur le
Rwanda contemporain et délaisse en partie l’époque du génocide..
• Une poignée de travaux porte sur le Rwanda historique; à peine une douzaine
d’études sur le génocide, encore moins sur les réfugiés, et presque plus rien sur
• Le gros des études porte sur l’économie, la politique et la société rwandaise
contemporaines. Les essais sur l’éducation, sur la femme ou l’enfant, sur les langues
parlées au Rwanda restent nombreux.
• Plus de cent entrées portent sur la santé, la médecine et la pharmacie au Rwanda
aujourd’hui. La santé publique, dont pour moitié le SIDA, est certainement le domaine
le plus étudié en 2012, après l’économie (mais la santé en fait partie) ou la vie politique.
• Les rapports que le Rwanda entretient avec la RDCongo, les Grands Lacs, les
pays occidentaux ou les Nations Unies continuent d’être étudiés et le Rwanda reste une
référence dans les études comparatives, bien que le pays du “darling dictator”1 ait cessé
cette année d’être universellement admiré.
• Les études portant sur les questions de droit national et international, sur les
gacaca et le TPIR, restent elles aussi importantes. Médecine et Droit sont très étudiés
parce que ces disciplines sont impliquées économiquement, politiquement, dans la vie
du pays et parce que les maisons mères, pour ainsi dire, de ces sciences que sont
l’Europe et l’Amérique du Nord ont la volonté et les moyens de soutenir ces recherches
• Le recensement des études ès sciences naturelles demeure une gageure, et comme
dans la bibliographie de 2011, la présente liste est certainement incomplète.
• Une sizaine de témoignages rwandais et une quinzaine de récits à la première
personne écrits par des diplomates, des humanitaires ou des visiteurs étrangers
(francophones et anglophones) portent en tout ou en partie sur le Rwanda.

Sommers, Marc, “The Darling Dictator of the Day”, New York Times, May 27, 2012.


• Une douzaine de romans (toutes langues), peu de documentaires et pas de grand
film, sauf erreur.
Ces études sont massivement anglo-saxonnes, ou anglophones. L’écrasante
supériorité des bases de données anglophones explique en partie seulement cette surimportance. La mésentente qui sévit depuis bientôt vingt ans entre la France et le
régime de Kigali, aujourd’hui anglophone, compte aussi pour beaucoup dans cette
modicité francophone.
Ne sont pas inclues dans cette bibliographie les éditions Kindle d’ouvrages
précédemment parus. Sont au contraire citées les maîtrises et les thèses publiées en
2012 aux Editions Universitaires Européennes, Sarrebruck, ( et aux éditions LAP Lampert Academic Publishing, Sarrebruck
( Sont aussi cités les articles publiés par SYFIAGrands Lacs. Les thèses de doctorat défendues en 2012 sont recensées sous un même
chapitre, et non plus selon leurs sujets.
Cette bibliographie est indicative, elle ne saurait être exhaustive. Les erreurs et les
omissions pourront être corrigées en contactant Merci.
Austin, 15 janvier 2013.


1.2 Bibliographies
2.1 Témoins et mémorialistes rwandais
2.2 Témoins et mémorialistes étrangers
2.3 Études critiques
3.1 Avant 1990
3.3.2 Génocide
3.3.4 Réfugiés
3.4 1994-2012 Développement Finances Pauvreté Démographie Question foncière Environnement Agriculture Caféiculture; théiculture Sylviculture Pisciculture; aquaculture Tourisme Vie politique Mémoire; commémorations Réconciliation Radio; Médias Vie sociale; Culture
4 Traumatismes Santé publique VIH/SIDA Santé: Administration; Financement Pharmacologie Education Enfants; adolescents Femmes Twa Kinyarwanda; autres langues
3.4.4 Religion; Églises
3.4.5 Ethnologie (1990-2012)
3.4.6 Chercheurs; débats
3.4.7 Thèses de doctorat (toutes disciplines)
4.1.1 Burundi et Rwanda
4.1.2 Ouganda et Rwanda
4.1.4 RDCongo et Rwanda Mines; économie Pole Institute
4.1.5 Grands Lacs
4.1.6 East African Community
4.1.7 Afrique du Sud et Rwanda
4.1.8 Darfur et Rwanda
4.1.9 Autres pays d’Afrique et Rwanda Conflits; Violences Economie Politique Ethnologie Droit ONU et Rwanda ONU, Rwanda et autres pays
5 Prévention du génocide; Responsibility to Protect
4.2.2 Communauté internationale
4.2.4 Union Européenne et Rwanda
4.2.6 France et Rwanda
4.2.7 Royaume Uni et Rwanda
4.2.8 Ex-Yougoslavie et Rwanda
4.2.9 États-Unis et Rwanda
4.2.10 Rwanda et autres génocides
4.2.11 Generalia: livres
5.1 Rwanda National
5.1.2 Gacaca
5.2.1 TPIR/ICTR Genre (Gender); droit du viol Incitation à la haine (Hate Speech) TPIR et TPIY
6.1.1 Romans francophones
6.1.3 Romans anglophones
6.1.5 Romans: autres langues
6.1.8 Nouvelles
6.1.11 Littérature juvénile anglophone
6.1.12 Bandes dessinées
6.1.13 Photographie, livres illustrés
6.1.14 Arts
6.1.16 Autres
6.2 Études critiques
7.2 Documentaires; reportages
7.4 Études critiques

8.1 Sciences de la nature
8.1.2 Botanique
8.1.4 Zoologie
8.1.5 Primatologie
8.1.8 Herpétologie
8.1.9 Entomologie
8.2 Sciences de la terre
8.2.1 Géologie
8.2.2 Hydrologie; Limnologie
8.2.3 Paléontologie
8.2.6 Climatologie


1.2) Bibliographies

“Bibliography”, The African Book Publishing Record, 37-4, 2012, pp. 371-480;
38-1, 2012, pp. 17-129; 38-2, 2012, pp. 141-232; 38-3, 2012, pp. 240-351; 38-4,
2012, pp. 368-499.


Barringer, Terry, “A Select List of Articles on Africa Appearing in NonAfricanist Periodicals (April–June 2012)”, African Affairs, 111-445, 2012, pp.


Lagarde, François, Rwanda, 1990-2011: une bibliographie, The University of
Texas at Austin/Université Paris 1, 2012, 383 p.


National University of Rwanda, New Documents Available in NUR Library
Catalogue by November, 2012, Kigali: NUR, 2012.


“Recently Published Works in Holocaust and Genocide Studies”, Holocaust
Genocide Studies 26-1, 2012, pp. 162-207; 26-2, 2012, pp. 326-364; 26-3, 2012,
pp. 511-559.


2.1 Témoins et mémorialistes rwandais

Jewsiewicki, Bogumil (ed.), Première guerre du Congo Zaire, 1996 1997: récits
de soldats AFDL et FAR, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2012, 170 p.


Kamilindi, Thomas, Témoignage sur le rôle de Paul Rusesabagina à l’hotel des
mille collines durant le génocide 1994, Internet: France Rwanda Tribune, 21 avril
2012, 12 p.


Musonera, François, Rwanda: Surviving the Genocide: A Story of the
Extermination of More Than 800 000 People as Told by One Who Survived, Lille:
Sources du Nil, 2012, 117 p.


Ndacyayisenga, Pierre-Claver, Voyage à travers la mort: témoignage d’un exilé
hutu du Rwanda, Montréal: VLB Editeur, 2012, 188 p.


Pauw, Jacques, Rat Roads: One Man’s Incredible Journey, Cape Town: Zebra
Press, 2012, 288 p.
2.2 Témoins étrangers


Bass, Rick, In My Home There Is No More Sorrow : Ten Days in Rwanda, San
Francisco: McSweeney’s Books, 2012, 183 p.


Decherf, Dominique, Couleurs: Mémoires d’un ambassadeur de France en
Afrique, Saint-Malo: Pascal Galodé, 332 p.


Deme, Amadou, Rwanda 1994: A Witness to Genocide, Internet: CreateSpace
Independent Publishing Platform, 2012, 154 p.


Geddes, Gary, Drink the Bitter Root: A Search for Justice and Healing in
Africa, New York: Counterpoint, 2012, 241 p.


Godfrey, Nick, “Revivalists’ Narratives of Genocide Survival”, in Ward, Kevin;
Wild-Wood, Emma (eds.), The East African Revival: History and Legacies,
Farnham, UK; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2012, pp. 163-174.


Greitens, Eric, “Rwanda”, in Idem, The Heart and the Fist: The Education of A
Humanitarian, the Making of a Navy SEAL, Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin
Harcourt, 2011, pp. 65-86.


Hannum, Douglas, “Rwanda: Gorillas in the Mist”, in Idem, Traveling Alone:
Little Bits of an Unfinished Trip, Internet: CreateSpace Independent Publishing
Platform, 2012, pp. 161-172.


Le Bescond, Josiane, Six mois, une vie: Rwanda, 1994: un peu d’humain au cœur
de l’inhumain, Janzé: Coëtquen, 2012, 126 p.


Moreels, Réginald, Médecin: un autre monde, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2012, 201 p.


Morvan, Yan; Taupin, Aurélie, Reporter de guerres, Paris: Ed. de La Martinière,
2012, 230 p.


Prusent, Thami, “The Vagabond Diaries: Rwanda”, in Idem, Cape to Cairo for
Free: An African’s Penniless Misadventure through Africa, I
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2012, pp. 99-123.


Raffin, Madeleine, Rwanda, un autre regard: trois décennies à son service, Lille:
Sources du Nil, 2012, 203 p.


Song, Brandon, A Remnant in Rwanda, Internet: CreateSpace Independent
Publishing Platform, 2012, 136 p.


Theunis, Guy, Mes soixante-quinze jours de prison à Kigali, Paris: Karthala, 2012,
264 p.


Venot, François, “Au cœur de l’Afrique orientale, du Tanganyika au
Kilimandjaro: Burundi, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzanie”, in Idem, Voyages dans le
vieux monde, 1947-2010, Paris, Société des Ecrivains, 2012, pp. 65-80.


White, Georgia, “Human Spirit: A Vignette to Capture and Document the
Resilience of the Human Spirit”, Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 48-2,
2012, pp. 27-29.
2.3 Études critiques


Gorin, Valérie, “‘Le martyre des innocents’: mises en scène visuelles et
discursives de la mort de masse dans les crises humanitaires (1967-1994)”,
Questions de communication, 20, 2011, pp. 105-134.


Laliberté, Annie, Le journalisme entre guerre et paix au Rwanda, Québec:
Presses de l’Université Laval, 2012, 365 p.


Mpereng, Jerry, “Le génocide rwandais vu par L’Express et Jeune Afrique”,
Paris: L’Harmattan, 2012, 104 p.


Moffat, Rachel, “Visiting Rwanda: Accounts of Genocide in Travel Writing”, in
Skinner, Jonathan (ed.), Writing the Dark Side of Travel, New York: Berghahn
Books, 2012 (cf. Idem, Journeys, 11-1, 2010, pp. 89-106.)


3.1 Avant 1990

Buhigiro, Jean-Léonard, Sites historiques et société dans le Rukoma au Centre du
Rwanda: Contribution à l’histoire socio-politique et culturelle du Rwanda,
Saarbrücken: Éditions Universitaires Européennes, 2012, 132 p.


Capéau, Bart; Verwimp, Philip, “Dictatorship in a Single Export Crop Economy”,
Journal of Theoretical Politics, 24-2, 2012, pp. 210-234.


Carney, Jay, “Beyond Tribalism: The Hutu-Tutsi Question and Catholic Rhetoric
in Colonial Rwanda”, Journal of Religion in Africa, 42-2, pp. 172-202.


Carney, Jay, ‘Far From Having Unity, We Are Tending Towards Total Disunity’:
The Catholic Major Seminary in Rwanda, 1950–62”, Studies in World
Christianity, 18-1, 2012, pp. 82-102.


Church, John, “A personal Experience of the Revival”, in Ward, Kevin; WildWood, Emma (eds.), The East African Revival: History and Legacies, Farnham,
Surrey, UK; Burlington, VT: Ashgate Pub., 2012, pp. 41-52.


Gahama, Joseph, “Savoirs et pouvoirs dans les monarchies du Rwanda et du
Burundi”, in Gary-Tounkara, Daouda; Nativel, Didier (eds.), L’Afrique des
savoirs au sud du Sahara (XVIe-XXIe siècle): acteurs, supports, pratiques, Paris:
Karthala, 2012, pp. 45-63.


Giblin, John; Fuller, Dorian, “First and Second Millennium A. D. Agriculture in
Rwanda: Archaeobotanical Finds and Radiocarbon Dates from Seven Sites”,
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 20-4, 2011, pp. 253-265.


Humphris, Jane, “An Archaeometallurgical Investigation of Iron Smelting
Traditions in Southern Rwanda”, Azania, 47-1, 2012, pp. 131-132.


Kabanda, Pierre-Célestin, Rwanda, l’idéal des pionniers: les hommes qui ont fait
la différence, Lille: Sources du Nil, 2012, 492 p.


Long, Katy, “Rwanda’s First Refugees: Tutsi Exile and International Response,
1959-64”, Journal of Eastern African Studies, 6-2, 2012, pp. 211-229.


Mureme, Bonaventure, Manuel d’histoire politique et sociale du Rwanda
contemporain suivant le modèle Mgr Alexis Kagame (tome 1): La révolution
rwandaise et la première République rwandaise, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2012, 432 p.


Mureme, Bonaventure, Manuel d’histoire politique et sociale du Rwanda
contemporain suivant le modèle Mgr Alexis Kagame (tome 2): du coup d’Etat
militaire du 5 juillet 1973 au génocide, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2012, 872 p.


Nsengimana, Innocent, Rwanda: la marche vers l’indépendance, 1952-1962 : une
contribution à l’histoire du Rwanda contemporain, Lille: Sources du Nil, 2012,
254 p.


Nyssens, Julien, A pied d’œuvre au Ruanda, 1948-1961: Batwa, Bahutu, Batutsi
ne sont que des prénoms, Banyarwanda est notre nom de famille, Lille: Sources
du Nil, 2012, 138 p.


Pochet, Marcel, Rétrospective: le problème ruandais 1952-1962: le Conseil
supérieur du pays, Lille: Sources du Nil, 2012, 217 p.


Sebunuma, Déogratias, Rwanda: Crimes d’honneur et influences régionales, Issyles-Moulineaux: Umusozo, 2012, 189 p.
3.3.2 Génocide


Donohue, William, “The Identity Trap: The Language of Genocide”, Journal of
Language & Social Psychology, 31-1, 2012, pp. 13-29.


Dutton, Donald, “Transitional Processes Culminating in Extreme Violence”,
Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 4-1, 2012, pp. 45-53.


Enuka, Chuka, “Small Arms Proliferation and Armed Conflicts in Africa: The
Case of the Rwandan Conflict”, Khazar Journal of Humanities and Social
Sciences, 15-4, 2012, pp. 21-33.


Gosztola, Matthieu, Le génocide face à l’image, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2012, 132 p.


Herman, Edward; Peterson, David, Génocide et propagande: l’instrumentalisation politique des massacres, Montréal: Lux éditeur, 2012, 184 p. (cf. Idem,
The Politics of Genocide, New York: Monthly Review Press, 2010, 159 p.)


McDoom, Omar Shahabudin, “The Psychology of Threat in Intergroup Conflict:
Emotions, Rationality, and Opportunity in the Rwandan Genocide”, International
Security, 37-2, 2012, pp. 119-155.


Mendy, Marcel, Crise rwandaise: enjeux et perspectives, Paris: L’Harmattan,
2012, 108 p.


Olsson, John, “A Genocide in Rwanda”, in Idem, Wordcrime: Solving Crime
through Forensic Linguistics, London: Continuum, 2012, pp. 74-79.


Tanner, Samuel, “Réflexion autour de la banalité du mal inspirée d’une
conversation avec Jean-Paul Brodeur”, Champ pénal/Pénal Field, 9, 2012, 33 p.


Verpoorten, Marijke, “Detecting Hidden Violence: The Spatial Distribution of
Excess Mortality in Rwanda”, Political Geography, 31-1, 2012, pp. 44-56.


Verpoorten, Marijke, “Leave None to Claim the Land: A Malthusian Catastrophe
in Rwanda?”, Journal Of Peace Research, 49-4, 2012, pp. 547-563.
3.3.4 Réfugiés


Arnold, Guy, “The Congo, Rwanda, Burundi”, in Idem, Migration: Changing the
World, London: Pluto Press, 2012, 292 p.


Bossuyt, Marc, “The Court of Strasbourg Acting as an Asylum Court”, European
Constitutional Law Review, 8-2, 2012, pp. 203-245.


Castrilli, Stefanie, The Enterprise of Integration: The Case of Urban Refugees in

Rwanda, Ann Arbor, MI: ProQuest, 2012, 183 p. [Master Thesis].

McMillan, K., “Uganda’s Invocation of Cessation Regarding its Rwandan
Refugee Caseload: Lessons for International Protection”, International Journal of
Refugee Law, 24-2, 2012, pp. 231-262.


Pavlish, Carol; Ho, Anita; Rounkle, Ann-Marie, “Health and Human Rights
Advocacy: Perspectives from a Rwandan Refugee Camp”, Nursing Ethics, 19-4,
2012, pp. 538-549.


Shindo, Reiko, “The Hidden Effect of Diaspora Return to Post-conflict Countries:
The Case of Policy and Temporary Return to Rwanda”, Third World Quarterly,
33-9, 2012, pp. 1685-1702.


Thomson, Marnie, “Black Boxes of Bureaucracy: Transparency and Opacity in
the Resettlement Process of Congolese Refugees”, PoLAR: Political and Legal
Anthropology Review, 35- 2, 2012, pp. 186-205.


Worster, William, “The Evolving Definition of the Refugee in Contemporary
International Law”, Berkeley Journal of International Law, 30-1, 2012, pp. 94160.
3.4) 1994-2012 Développement


Africa Research Bulletin: Economic, Financial and Technical Series, “Rwanda:
Agaciro Development Fund”, 49-11, January 2013, pp. 19762A-19762C.


----, “Rwanda: Housing Crisis”, 49-10, December 2012, pp. 19727B-19728A.


----, “Rwanda: Increasing Intra-Regional Trade”, 49-8, October 2012, pp.


----, “Rwanda: Sovereign Fund”, 49-8, October 2012, pp. 19665C-19666A.


----, “East Africa: Corruption Survey”, 49-8, October 2012, pp. 19655B-19655C,


----, “Rwanda-Europe, US: No More the ‘Aid Darling’”, 49-7, September 2012,
pp. 19616B-19616C.


----, “Tourism: Rwanda”, 49-7, September 2012, pp. 19644C-19645C.


----, “Rwanda Is Growing Faster than Its Neighbours”, 49-6, August 2012, p.


----, “Rwanda: Government Programme 2011-2017”, 48-11, January 2012, pp.


----, “Rwanda: AfDB [African Development Bank] Funds Bank of Kigali”, 48-11,
January 2012, pp. 19346B-19346C.


Ansoms, An; Murison, Jude, “De la prospérité à ‘Saoudi’ à la noyade au
‘Darfour’: l’histoire d’un marais au Rwanda”, in Reyntjens, Filip; Vandeginste,
S.; Verpoorten, M. (eds.), L’Afrique des grands lacs: Annuaire 2011-2012,
Anvers: Centre d’étude de la région des grands lacs d’Afrique/Paris: L’Harmattan,
2012, pp. 375-396.


Chankova S.; Hatt L.; Musange S., “A Community-based Approach to Promote
Household Water Treatment in Rwanda”, Journal of Water and Health, 10-1,
2012, pp. 116-129.


Clinton, Bill, “The Case for Optimism”, Time, 180-14, November 1, 2012, pp.


Concessa, Riassa; Egwakhe, Johnson, Self-Efficacy and Entrepreneurial
Tendency: The Views from Rwanda, Saarbrücken: LAP Lampert Academic
Publishing, 2012, 116 p.


Crisafulli, Patricia; Redmond, Andrea, Rwanda, Inc.: How a Devastated Nation
Became an Economic Model for the Developing World, New York: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2012, 256 p.


Dedek, K.; Claude, M.; Kumaran, G., “Feasibility Study of Low Cost Concrete
Products as an Appropriate Alternative Construction Material in the Rwandan
Construction Industry”, Advanced Materials Research, 367, 2012, pp. 55-62.


Ford Mugabo, Stella, “Capacity Building for Post Conflict Restructuring and
Development: Sharing the Rwandan Experience”, World Journal of Science,
Technology and Sustainable Development, 8-2/3, 2011, 9 p.


Gathani, Sachin; Stoelinga, Dimitri, Understanding Rwanda’s Export Sectors: A
Deep-Dive into Rwanda’s Merchandise Export Sector, Focusing on Destinations,
Products and Firms, Kigali: International Growth Center/Laterite, 2012, 46 p.


Gross-Campal, Nicole; Martina, Adrian; McGuirea, Shawn; Kebedea, Bereket;
Munyarukazaa, Joseph, “Payments for Ecosystem Services in an African
Protected Area: Exploring Issues of Legitimacy, Fairness, Equity and
Effectiveness”, Oryx, 46-1, 2012, pp. 24-33.


Holden, Joseph, “Rwanda: Overcoming the Industrial Policy Taboo”, in
Campioni, Maddalena; Noack, Patrick (eds.), Rwanda Fast Forward: Social,
Economic, Military and Reconciliation Prospects, Basingstoke, UK/New York:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, pp. 126-144.


James, Jeffrey, “Which Developing Countries Have Done the Most to Close the
Digital Divide?”, Telematics and Informatics, 29-1, 2012, pp. 2-10.


Nanda, Kamakshi, “New ‘Friends’ of Rwanda: Chinese Noodles and Indian
Curry: Analysis of Asian Giants Forays into Rwanda in the Light of Theories on
OFDI”, in Campioni, Maddalena; Noack, Patrick (eds.), Rwanda Fast Forward:
Social, Economic, Military and Reconciliation Prospects, Basingstoke, UK/New
York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, pp. 145-159.


Lwakabamba, Silas, “Initiative to Build Capacity in Research and Postgraduate
Training”, World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development,
8-2/3, 2011, 9 p.


Machogu, Abiud Moronge; Okiko, Lynet, “The Perception of Bank Employees
towards Cost of Adoption, Risk of Innovation, and Staff Training’s Influence on
the Adoption of Information and Communication Technology in the Rwandan

Commercial Banks”, Journal of Internet Banking & Commerce, 17-2, 2012, pp.

Mahwa, Aloys, La politique fiscale et la performance des entreprises privées: le
cas du Rwanda après le génocide, Internet: Presses Académiques Francophones,
2012, 164 p.


Murekezi, Anastase, “Rebuilding after Conflict and Strengthening Fragile States:
A View from Rwanda”, World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable
Development, 8-2/3, 2011, 9 p.


Nkumaba, Janet, “Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises (MSMES): A Huge
Economic Force, An Answer To Vibrant Economy”, World Journal of Science,
Technology and Sustainable Development, 8-2/3, 2011, 8 p.


Noury, Valerie, “Rwanda Most ‘Business Friendly’ in East Africa”, African
Business, 382, 2012, pp. 48-50.


Nuwagira, Wilberforce, Determinants of FDI Inflows into Rwanda: Empirical
Analysis from 1980-2009, Saarbrücken: LAP Lampert Academic Publishing,
2012, 89 p.


Ocaya, Bruno; Ruranga, Charles; Kaberuka, William, “Dynamic Relationship
between Gross Domestic Product and Domestic Investment in Rwanda”, World
Journal of Education, 2-6, 2012, pp. 79-90.


Oosterdijk, Henk; Hoencamp, Taco, “Lake Kivu: Turning a Threat into
Prosperity”, The Chemical Engineer, 852, 2012, pp. 32-35.


Oro, Angel; Arias, Marc, “Rwanda’s Economic Success: How Free Markets Are
Good for Poor Africans”, The Freeman, 62-6, 2012, pp. 29-35.


Rwanda Business Forecast Report, London: Business Monitor International,
2012, 24 p.


Serneels, Peter; Verpoorten, Marijke, The Impact of Armed Conflict on Economic
Performance: Evidence from Rwanda, Bonn: Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der
Arbeit/Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), 2012, 41 pp.


Sibomana, Gregoire, The Place of Commercial Agency Contract in International
Trade: The Need for its Regulation in Rwanda, Saarbrücken: LAP Lampert
Academic Publishing, 2012, 84 p.


Tekin, Rıfat Barış, “Economic Growth, Exports and Foreign Direct Investment in
Least Developed Countries: A Panel Granger Causality Analysis”, Economic
Modelling, 29-3, 2012, pp. 868-878.


Ukize, Theoneste, Effect of Monitoring and Evaluation Framework and Project
Performance with the Case Study of Rwanda Transport Development AgencyRTDA, Saarbrücken: LAP Lampert Academic Publishing, 2012, 60 p.


World Bank, Doing Business 2013: Smarter Regulations for Small and MediumSize Enterprises, 2012, 264 p.


World Business International Catalogue, Rwanda Mineral & Mining Sector:

Investment and Business Guide, [s.l.]: International Business Publications, 2012,
297 p.

World Business International Catalogue, Rwanda Country Study Guide: Strategic
Information and Developments, [s.l.]: International Business Publications, 2012,
276 p.


World Business International Catalogue, Rwanda Business Law Handbook:
Strategic Information and Laws, [s.l.]: International Business Publications, 2012,
300 p. Finances


Abeka, Silvance, “Perceived Usefulness, Ease of Use, Organizational and Bank
Support As Determinants of Adoption of Internet Banking in East Africa”,
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 210, 2010, pp. 97-112 [Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda].


Kimanzi, Yassi, Role of Corporate Governance in the survival of commercial
banks in Rwanda: A [sic] Case of Commercial Bank of Rwanda (BCR),
Saarbrücken: LAP Lampert Academic Publishing, 2012, 80 p.


Kopparthi, M.; Kagabo, N., “Is Value Chain Financing a Solution to the Problems
and Challenges of Access to Finance of Small-scale Farmers in Rwanda?”,
Managerial Finance, 38-10, 2012, pp. 993-1004.


Mahwa, Aloys, La politique fiscale et la performance des entreprises privées: le
cas du Rwanda après le génocide, Internet: Presses Académiques Francophones,
2012, 164 p.


Wallace, Paul, “Rwanda Banks Look to Seize the Moment”, The Banker, 1611034, 2012, pp. 90-92. Pauvreté


Justino, Patricia; Verwimp, Philip, “Poverty Dynamics, Violent Conflict, and
Convergence in Rwanda”, Review of Income and Wealth, 2012, 25 p. [Internet].


Uwingabire, Zafarani, Impact of Land Use Consolidation on Poverty Reduction in
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Walstrom, Paige; Operario, Don; Zlotnick, Caron; Mutimura, Eugene; Benekigeri,
Chantal; Cohen, Mardge, “‘I Think My Future Will Be Better than My Past’:
Examining Support Group Influence on the Mental Health of HIV-Infected
Rwandan Women”, Global Public Health, 2010, 16 p. (DOI:
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Dhillon, Ranu; Fraden, M.; Bonds, M.; Ndahiro, D.; Ruxin J., “The Impact of
Reducing Financial Barriers on Utilisation of a Primary Health Care Facility in
Rwanda”, Global Public Health, 7-1, 2012, pp. 71-86.


Garg, C.; Evans, D.; Dmytraczenko, T.; Izazola-Licea, J.; Tangcharoensathien,
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or Maintaining Domestic Health Spending Amid Foreign Donations”, Health
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Murray, M.; Binagwaho, A., “Towards Universal Health Coverage: An
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Mechael, Patricia; et al., “Capitalizing on the Characteristics of mHealth to
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Van Essen, Caleb; Cartledge, Peter; Kyamanywa, Patrick; Manirakiza, Achille,
“Is HINARI Appropriate for Medical Students in the Developing World?”,
Tropical Medicine and International Health, 17-4, 2012, pp. 406-408. Pharmacologie


Beste, J; Asanti, D.; Sirotin, N.; Anastos, K.; Nathan, L., “Traditional Medicine
Use in Pregnancy in Rural Rwanda”, International Journal of Gynecology &
Obstetrics, 119, Supplement 3, 2012, pp. 846-847. Education


Andersson, Ingrid; Kagwesage, Anne-Marie; Rusanganwa, Joseph, “Negotiating
Meaning in Multilingual Group Work: A Case Study of Higher Education in
Rwanda”, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 2012,
15 p. (DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2012.695771).


Bianchini, Pascal, “Une tâche problématique: enseigner l’histoire au Rwanda
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Buhigiro, Jean-Léonard; Gahama, Joseph, Une nouvelle approche pour écrire et
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Burde, Dana, “Assessing Impact and Bridging Methodological Divides:
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Collins, Christopher, “Land-Grant Extension as a Global Endeavor: Connecting
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French, Conor; Mitro, Matthew; Stone, Benjamin, “Transformation through
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Girinshuti, Crispin, Education et développement socio-économique au Rwanda:
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Johnson, Nick; Hill, Dan, “Charting the Role of Professional Legal Education in
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LAP Lampert Academic Publishing, 2012, 108 p.


Muyombano, Emmanuel, The Geography of Primary and Secondary Education in
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Ruterana, Pierre, “Enhancing the Culture of Reading in Rwanda: Reflections by
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Suubi, Patrick, Towards Inclusive Schools in Rwanda: The Experience of Gahini
High School, Saarbrücken: LAP Lampert Academic Publishing, 2012, 108 p. Enfants; adolescents


Bangwanubusa, Theogene, Exercice à la Maturation Sociale au Rwanda: Analyse
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2012, 332 p.


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Lee, Laura May, “Youths Navigating Social Networks and Social Support
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McLean-Hilker, Lyndsay, “Rwanda’s ‘Hutsi’: Intersections of Ethnicity and
Violence in the Lives of Youth of Mixed Heritage”, Identities: Global Studies in
Culture and Power, 19-2, 2012, pp. 229-247.


Pells, Kirrily, “‘Rights Are Everything We Don’t Have’: Clashing Conceptions of
Vulnerability and Agency in the Daily Lives of Rwandan Children and Youth”,
Children’s Geographies, 10-4, 2012, pp. 427-440.


Sommers, Marc, Stuck: Rwandan Youth and the Struggle for Adulthood, Athens,
GA: University of Georgia Press; Washington, DC: United States Institute of
Peace, 2012, 305 p.


Thomas, Kevin, “Migration, Household Configurations, and the Well-Being of
Adolescent Orphans in Rwanda”, Population Research and Policy Review, 31-4,
2012, pp. 587-607.


Uwera Kanyamanza, Claudine; Brackelaire, Jean-Luc; Munyandamutsa,
Naasson, “La fratrie dans les ménages d’enfants sans parents au Rwanda
après le génocide”, Dialogue: recherches sur le couple et la famille, 196,
2012, pp. 61-72.


Van Decraen, Els; Michielsen, Kristien; Herbots, Sarah; Van Rossem, Ronan;
Temmerman, Marleen, “Sexual Coercion among In-school Adolescents in
Rwanda: Prevalence and Correlates of Victimization and Normative Acceptance”,
African Journal of Reproductive Health, 16-3, 2012, pp. 139-153.


Williams, T.; Binagwaho, A.; Betancourt, T., “Transactional Sex as a Form of
Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Rwanda: Implications for Child Security
and Protection”, Child Abuse & Neglect, 36-4, 2012, pp. 354-361. Femmes


Bauer, Gretchen, “‘Let There Be a Balance’: Women in African Parliaments”,
Political Studies Review, 10-3, 2010, pp. 370-384.


Burnet, Jennie, “Women’s Empowerment and Cultural Change in Rwanda”, in
Franceschet, Susan; Krook, Mona Lena; Piscopo, Jennifer (eds.), The Impact of
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Burnet, Jennie, “Situating Sexual Violence in Rwanda (1990-2001): Sexual
Agency, Sexual Consent, and the Political Economy of War”, African Studies
Review, 24-2, 2012, pp. 97-118.


Burnet, Jennie, Genocide Lives in Us: Women, Memory and Silence in
Rwanda, Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 2012, 304 p.


Coffe, Hilde, “Conceptions of Female Political Representation: Perspectives of
Rwandan Female Representatives”, Women’s Studies International Forum, 35-4,

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Gasinzigwa, Oda, “Rwanda”, in Nelson, Alyse (ed.), Vital Voices: The Power of
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Ingabire, Marie-Chantal; Mitchell, Kirstin; Veldhuijzen, Nienke; et al., “Joining
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Jaleel, Rana, “Weapons of Sex, Weapons of War”, Cultural Studies, 27-1, 2013,
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Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu, “Asserting Their Presence! Women’s Quest for
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Stanley, Ruth, Gender in Transitional Justice, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave
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Mbabazi, Justine Rukeba, This is Your Time, Rwanda: The Emerging Story of a
Bold Nation and Its Brilliant Destiny, Washington, DC: JM Advance Publishing,
2012. 209 p.


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2012, pp. 28-41. Twa


Beswick, Danielle, “Democracy, Identity and the Politics of Exclusion in PostGenocide Rwanda: The Case of the Batwa”, in Crawford, Gordon; Lynch,
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18-2, 2011, pp. 490-511.)


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Seitz, Stefan, Ba-Twa: les Pygmées potiers du Rwanda: d’après les sources
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Bentzinger, 2012, 252 p. [trad. de Idem, Die Töpfer-Twa in Ruanda, Freiburg im
Breisgau, 1970]. Kinyarwanda; autres langues


Borius, Pierre-Yves; Giussani, Carlo; Draper, Louisa; Roux, Franck-Emmanuel,
“Sentence Translation in Proficient Bilinguals: A Direct Electrostimulation Brain
Mapping”, Cortex, 48-5, 2012, pp. 614-622.


Brock-Utne, Birgit, “Language Policy and Science: Could Some African

Countries Learn from Some Asian Countries?”, International Review of
Education, 58-4, 2012, pp. 481-503.

Brock-Utne, Birgit, “Language and Inequality: Global Challenges to Education”,
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 42-5, 2012, pp.


Diercks, Michael, “Parameterizing Case: Evidence from Bantu”, Syntax, 15-3,
2012. pp. 253-286.


Gafaranga, Joseph, “Language Alternation and Conversational Repair in
Bilingual Conversation”, International Journal of Bilingualism, 16-4, 2012, pp.


Habyarimana, Hilaire, Multilingualism and Change on the Kinyarwanda Sound
System post-1994: A Sociolinguistic Approach, Saarbrücken: LAP Lampert
Academic Publishing, 2012, 124 p.


Kagwesage, Anne Marie, English for Academic Purposes Practices in Rwandan
Higher Education: National University of Rwanda as a Case Study, Saarbrücken:
LAP Lampert Academic Publishing, 2012, 124 p.


Laviolette, Gwenn, “English Language Acquisition and Mastery: Rwanda’s
Urgent Economic Need”, Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 79-1, 2012, pp. 43-48.


Munyangabe, Froduard, “Legal Meaning in the Interpretation of Multilingual
Legislations: Comparative Analysis of Rwanda, Canada and Ireland”, European
Journal of Law Reform, 14-2/3, 2012, pp. 338-370.


Nikuze, Emmanuel, “La problématique des métiers langagiers au Rwanda: défis
et stratégies”, Synergies Afrique des Grands Lacs, 1, 2012, pp. 44-45.


Ntakirutimana, Evariste, “Rwanda: une cohabitation linguistique complexe”, Le
français dans le monde, 382, 2012, pp. 18-19.


Ruzindana, Mathias, “The Challenges of Understanding Kinyarwanda Key Terms
Used to Instigate the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda”, in Predrag Dojčinović (ed.),
Propaganda, War Crimes Trials and International Law: From Speakers’ Corner
to War Crimes, Abingdon, Oxon; New York: Routledge, 2012, pp. 145-170.
3.4.4 Religion; Églises


Fox, Nicole, “‘God Must Have Been Sleeping’: Faith as an Obstacle and a
Resource for Rwandan Genocide Survivors in the United States”, Journal for the
Scientific Study of Religion, 51-1, 2012, pp. 65-78.


Miles, John, Rwanda Rising From the Ashes: An Inspiring account of the
Ministry of a White Rwandan Bishop Rt. Rev Kenneth Barham OBE, Kindle:
2012, 1355 KB.


Ross, Bobby, “Out of Africa: Rwanda Exodus Show Challenge of Global
Christianity”, Christianity Today, 56-2, 2012, p. 16.



Sinzayivaho, Gerald, The Church and State in Reconciliation Process: A Case
Study of Post-Rwanda Genocide (1994-2005), Saarbrücken: LAP Lampert
Academic Publishing, 2012, 128 p.


Weeks Millard, Mary, After Genocide: There is Hope, Kindle, 2012, 262 KB.
3.4.5 Ethnologie (1990-2012)


Walker, Kathryn, “Resolving Debates over the Status of Ethnic Identities During
Transitional Justice”, Contemporary Political Theory, 11-1, 2012, pp. 68-87.
3.4.6 Chercheurs; débats


Fujii, Lee Ann, “Research Ethics 101: Dilemmas and Responsibilities”, PS:
Political Science & Politics, 45-4, 2012, pp. 717-723.


Jessee, Erin, “Conducting Fieldwork in Rwanda”, Canadian Journal of
Development Studies/Revue canadienne d’études du développement, 33-2, 2012,
pp. 266-274.


Newbury, David, “Canonical Conventions in Rwanda: Four Myths of Recent
Historiography in Central Africa”, History in Africa, 39, 2012, pp. 41-76.


Stys, Patrycja, “Revisiting Rwanda”, The Journal of Modern African Studies, 504, 2012, pp. 707-720.
3.4.7 Thèses de doctorat (toutes disciplines)


Becker, Noémie, La faible stature des populations pygmées d’Afrique centrale:
une approche évolutive, Université Paris Diderot, Eco-Anthropologie;
Ethnobiologie, 2012.


Beyene, Zenebe, The Role of Media in Ethnic Violence during Political
Transition in Africa: The Case of Rwanda and Kenya, The University of
Nebraska, Political Science, 2012.


Blumenstock, Joshua, Essays on the Economic Impacts of Mobile Phones in SubSaharan Africa, University of California, Berkeley, Economics, 2012.


Craig, Dylan, Proxy War by African States, 1950-2010, American University,
International Relations, 2012.


Damman, Erin Kimball, Peacekeeping For Approval: The Rise of African-Led
Interventions, Northwestern University, Political Science, 2012.


De Becker, Laura, Remembering Rwanda: The Commemoration of the 1994
Genocide in Rwanda’s National Museums and Memorials, University of East
Anglia, Sociology, 2012.


Doughty, Kristin, Contesting Community: Legalized Reconciliation Efforts in the
Aftermath of Genocide in Rwanda, The University of Pennsylvania,
Anthropology, 2012.


El-Khattabi, Séloua, Exils, langues et générations: psychopathologie des
inventions subjectives, pour une clinique du lien social contemporain, Université
Rennes 2-Haute Bretagne, Psychopathologie et Champs Cliniques, 2012.


Gahima, Charles, Access and Retention of Girls in Basic Education in Rwanda:
An Exploration of Stakeholder’s Views and Perspectives, University of Sussex,


Gilpin-Jackson, Yabome, “Becoming Gold”: Understanding the Post-War
Narratives of Transformation of African Immigrants and Refugees, Fielding
Graduate University, Psychology, 2012.


Hafashimana, Emmanuel, Le thé rwandais face au marché mondial : stratégie de
valorisation de la qualité territoriale par l'origine géographique comme stratégie
alternative: cas du thé de Gisovu, Université Catholique de Louvain, Economie,


Hirschauer, Sabine, All Is Fair in War: Violent Conflict and the Securitization of
Rape, Old Dominion University, International Relations, 2012.


Lebon, Christine, Vers l’intime silence des ventres, la voie des enfants : itinéraire
psychanalytique de transmission d’une co-naissance dans les familles rwandaises
rescapées du génocide, Université Catholique de Louvain, Sciences
Psychologiques et Éducation, 2012.


Mahon, Margaret, Questioning the Writing Cure: Contemporary Sub-Saharan
African Trauma Fiction, Duke University, Littérature, 2012.


Miller, Courtney, Development on the Margins: Rwanda Alternative Grassroots
Economic Strategies, University of Kansas, Geography, 2012.


Mulema, Annet Abenakyo, Organization of Innovation Platforms for Agricultural
Research and Development in the Great Lakes Region of Africa, Iowa State
University, Sociology, 2012.


Nabahungu, Nsharwasi Léon, Problems and Opportunities of Wetland
Management in Rwanda, Wageningen University, 2012.


Narasimhan, Ajay Tejasvi, Toward Understanding the Nature of Leadership in
Alleviating State Fragility, The Claremont Graduate University, Politics and
Economics, 2012.


Ng, Lauren, Direct and Indirect Predictors of Traumatic Stress and Distress in
Orphaned Survivors of the 1994 Rwandan Tutsi Genocide, University of Southern
California, Clinical Pychology, 2012.


Nzietsi, Conchita Dinguenza, L’ONU face à la crise rwandaise de 1990 à 1996,
Université de Lorraine, Histoire contemporaine, 2012.


Rickel, Jennifer, Narrative States: Human Rights Discourse in Contemporary
Literature, Rice University, Literature, 2012.


Rutaisire, John, An Investigation into Teachers’ Experiences of In-service
Training and Professional Development in Rwanda, University of Sussex,
Education, 2012.


Sallu, Adama, Schooling Experiences and Perceptions of Resettled Sub-Saharan
African Refugee Middle School Students in a Southwest U.S. State, Arizona State

University, Education, 2012.

Sebunuma, Déogratias, La compulsion de répétition dans les violences collectives,
Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7, 2012.


Sinema, Kyrsten, Who Must Die: The State of Exception in Rwanda’s Genocide,
Arizona State University, Justice Studies, 2012.


Sungi, Simeon, Post-conflict Africa: The Role of Indigenous Justice Systems as
Alternatives to International Criminal Trials, Indiana University, Criminal Justice,


Uwera Kanyamanza, Claudine, Ménages d'enfants et enfants chefs de ménage
dans l'après génocide au Rwanda: (re)création d'appartenances, Université
Catholique de Louvain, Psychologie/Education, 2012.


Vorderstrasse, Gina, Overcoming Apocalyptic Identities in Rwanda: The
Successes and Challenges of Development after Genocide, Georgetown
University, Political Science, 2012.


White, Dean, The UK’s Response to the Rwandan Genocide of 1994, University
of Northumbria at Newcastle, 2010.


SYFIA-Grands Lacs
Rwanda: les étrangers, de bons clients pour les artistes en fin d’année, 21-12-2012
Rwanda: les producteurs refusent d’approvisionner les usines à bas prix, 21-12-2012
Rwanda: les banques rwandaises avares de crédits, 21-12-2012
Le Rwanda ouvre ses frontières aux Africains, 14-12-2012
Rwanda: les prostituées décimées par le sida, 10-12-2012
Rwanda: vivre sans les aides budgétaires internationales, 10-12-2012
Les Rwandais ne se réjouissent pas de la prise de Goma, 23-11-2012
Rwanda: les partis politiques s’arrachent les élèves, 16-11-2012
Rwanda: de l’affection pour quitter la rue, 16-11-2012
Rwanda: les enfants dits ‘illégitimes’ abandonnés à leur triste sort, 16-11-2012
Rwanda: Détruire l’environnement pour construire, 09-11-2012
Afrique: ‘Pour les femmes rurales, la terre, c’est la vie’, 09-11-2012
Rwanda: l’obésité, un problème de société et de santé publique, 25-10-2012
Rwanda: Agaciro : cotisation patriotique ‘volontaire’, 25-10-2012
Rwanda: les ex-détenus infligent à leurs femmes leurs pratiques sexuelles, 19-10-2012
Rwanda: bilan mitigé pour la révolution verte, 12-10-2012
Rwanda: se marier traditionnellement via internet, 05-10-2012
Rwanda: les réseaux sociaux mobilisent les jeunes, 28-09-2012
Rwanda: "Techniquer" les documents coûte cher au pays, 21-09-2012
Kigali : les prêcheurs omniprésents soulagent ou agacent, 17-09-2012
Les Rwandais ont bien du mal avec l’anglais, 17-09-2012
Rwanda: l’apiculture désormais un métier de femme, 07-09-2012
Rwanda: meurtres en série de prostituées, 07-09-2012
Rwanda: gagner sa vie par tous les moyens, 09-08-2012
Jeunes sans avenir : une bombe à retardement, 09-08-2012
Rwanda: les distractions des vacances n’empêchent pas la vigilance, 27-07-2012
Rwanda: parcs nationaux : le tourisme rapporte plus que le braconnage, 27-07-2012
Rwanda: brûler les morts plutôt que les enterrer pour gagner des terres, 20-07-2012
Les Congolais en sécurité au Rwanda, 20-07-2012
Rwanda: en dépit des mutuelles, les pauvres ne peuvent pas se faire soigner, 06-07-2012
Rwanda: le gouvernement ferme les orphelinats et les hospices, 29-06-2012
Le cinquantenaire de l’indépendance intéresse peu les Rwandais, 29-06-2012


La fin des Gacaca soulage la majorité des Rwandais, 22-06-2012
Rwanda: Planifier l’habitat pour éviter les risques lors des pluies, 15-06-2012
Rwanda-RDC-Ouganda : collaboration transfrontalière pour protéger les Virunga, 15-06-2012
Festival Toseka : le rire contagieux de deux jeunes humoristes rwandais, 01-06-2012
Rwanda: l’urbanisation rapide chasse les plus pauvres des villes, 25-05-2012
Rwanda: des familles de remplacement aident les orphelins du génocide, 21-05-2012
Rwanda: le téléphone facilite les transactions et réduit leurs coûts, 10-05-2012
Rwanda: des Congolais poussés à fuir au Rwanda par l’armée, 10-05-2012
Rwanda: Séduire son mari pour ne plus se faire battre, 27-04-2012
Rwanda: l’enregistrement des terres divise des familles nombreuses, 20-04-2012
Rwanda: des ‘propriétaires’… locataires de l’État, 20-04-2012
Les Rwandais apprécient leur cinéma, 13-04-2012
Rwanda: les orphelins du génocide revendiquent les biens de leurs parents, 13-04-2012
Rwanda: légaliser l’avortement pour sauver des vies, 06-04-2012
Rwanda: Bernadette Niyodusenga, une albinos qui franchit tous les obstacles, 30-03-2012
Rwanda: Zulfat Mukarubega, une femme d’affaires qui gagne, 23-03-2012
Rwanda: petits meurtres entre proches, 16-03-2012
Kigali : un repas par jour pour les pauvres, et encore…, 16-03-2012
Rwanda: bien vivre en cultivant des fleurs, 09-03-2012
Rwanda: sans réparation matérielle, la justice n’est pas vraiment rendue, 09-03-2012
Rwanda: quand les enseignants poussent les élèves à tricher, 02-03-2012
Rwanda: les étudiants se plaignent d’être mal informés par leurs universités, 24-02-2012
Rwanda: entre les mains des femmes, l’argent fructifie, 24-02-2012
Rwanda: rétablir les enfants non reconnus dans leurs droits, 10-02-2012
Rwanda: la chasse aux produits périmés ne fait que commencer, 03-02-2012
Boire du lait à défaut de manger de la viande, 19-01-2012
Des huissiers de l’Etat traînent à faire exécuter les jugements, 19-01-2012
Rwanda: vivre unis et solidaires malgré tout, 13-01-2012


4.1.1 Burundi et Rwanda

Call, Charles, “Burundi and Rwanda: Chronic Exclusionary Behavior”, in Idem,
Why Peace Fails: The Causes and Prevention of Civil War Recurrence,
Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2012, pp. 150-157.


Chrétien, Jean-Pierre, Le défi de l’ethnisme: Rwanda et Burundi, Paris: Karthala,
2010, 252 p. (édition revue et augmentée de Idem, Le défi de l’ethnisme: Rwanda
et Burundi, 1990-1996, Paris: Karthala, 1997, 466 p.)


Schraml, Carla, The Dilemma of Recognition: Experienced Reality of Ethnicised
Politics in Rwanda and Burundi, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2012, 200 p.


Waites, Bernard, “Colonialism, Post-colonialism and Ethnic Violence: the
Examples of Rwanda and Burundi”, in Idem, South Asia and Africa after
Independence: Post-colonialism in Historical Perspective, Basingstoke, UK:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.


Ward, Kevin, “Revival, Mission and Church in Kigezi Rwanda and Burundi”, in
Ward, Kevin; Wild-Wood, Emma (eds.), The East African Revival: History and
Legacies, Farnham, Surrey, UK; Burlington, VT: Ashgate Pub., 2012, pp 11-30.


Yégavian, Tigrane, “Rwanda-Burundi: deux pays, une ambition”, Carto, 13,
Septembre-Octobre 2012, p. 38.
4.1.2 Ouganda et Rwanda


Clark, Phil, “Creeks of Justice: Debating Post-atrocity Accountability in Rwanda
and Uganda”, in Payne, Leigh; Lessa, Francesca (eds.), Amnesty in the Age of
Human Rights Accountability: Comparative and International Perspectives,
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2012.


Golooba-Mutebi, Frederick, “In Search of the Right Formula: Public, Private and
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Administration & Development, 32-4/5, 2012, pp. 430-443.


Mwaura, Francis, “Adopting Electricity Prepayment Billing System to Reduce
Non-technical Energy Losses in Uganda: Lesson from Rwanda”, Utilities Policy,
23, 2012, pp. 72-79.
4.1.4 RDCongo et Rwanda


Africa Confidential, “Uganda Accused”, 53-22, 2 November 2012
---, “M23’s Other Parent”, 53-21, 19 October 2012
---, “New York Showdown”, 53-19, 21 September 2012

---, “M23 Makes the Running”, 53-15, 19 July 2012
---, “Rebels Aim for Kivu Secession”, 53-14, 6 July 2012
---, “Kigali’s Hand in the Kivus”, 53-13, 22 June 2012
---, “US ‘Protecting’ Rwanda”, 53-13 22 June 2012
---, “Who Fights for Whom”, 53-12, 8 June 2012
---, “Crash Goes the Conspiracy”, 53-2, 20 January 2012

Africa Research Bulletin: Political, Social and Cultural Series, “DR Congo: M23
Takes Goma”, 49-11, December 2012, pp. 19487A-19490C.
---, “DR Congo: UN Report”, 49-10, November 2012, pp. 19455A-19457A.
---, “Rwanda: AI Report”, 49-10, November 2012, pp. 19462B-19463A,
---, “DR Congo: Plan for Neutral Force Falters”, 49-9, October 2012, pp.
---, “SADC: Mission to Rwanda”, 49-8, September 2012, pp. 19370B–
---, “DR Congo: Row over Kigali’s M23 Role”, 49-7, August 2012,
---, “DR Congo: M23 Mutiny Escalates”, 49-6, July 2012, pp. 19295A19298C.
---, “DR Congo: Thousands Flee Kivu Fighting, 49-5, June 2012, pp.
---, “DR Congo: FDLR Reprisal Killings”, 49-1, February 2012, pp. 19126C19127C.


Autesserre, Séverine, “Dangerous Tales: Dominant Narratives on the Congo and
Their Unintended Consequences”, African Affairs, 111-443, 2012, pp. 202-222.


Cohen, Herman, “Rwanda: Fifty Years of Ethnic Conflict on Steroids”, American
Foreign Policy Interests, 34-2, 2012, pp. 86-92.


Cox, Paul, “Farming the Battlefield: The Meanings of War, Cattle and Soil in
South Kivu, DRC”, Disasters, 36-2, 2012, pp. 233-248.


Dörrie, Peter, A Critical Theory of Rwandan-Congolese Security, München:
AVM, 2012, 65 p.


Human Rights Watch, DR Congo: Rwanda Should Stop Aiding War Crimes
Suspect, NY: HRW, June 4, 2012, 12 p.


Mbuta, Wutibaal Kumaba; Bangoura, Dominique, L’ONU et la diplomatie des
conflits: le cas de la République Démocratique du Congo, Paris: L’Harmattan,
2012, 417 p.


Mushi, Ferdinand Mugumo, Insecurity and Local Governance in Congo’s South
Kivu, IDS Research Report 74, Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies,

2012, 43 p.

Nations Unies, Conseil de Sécurité, Comité des sanctions du Conseil de sécurité
mis en place par la résolution 1533 (2004) concernant la République
démocratique du Congo / Security Council Committee Established Pursuant
Resolution 1533 (2004) Concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo,
Rapport d’étape du Groupe d’experts sur la République démocratique du Congo,
conformément au paragraphe 4 de la résolution 2021 (2011) / Interim Report of
the Group of Experts on the DRC Submitted in Accordance with Paragraph 4 of
Security Council Resolution 2021 (2011), New York, 21 juin 2012 [S/2012/348].


---, Additif au rapport d’étape du Groupe d’experts sur la République
démocratique du Congo, conformément au paragraphe 4 de la résolution 2021
(2011) / Addendum to the Interim Report of the Group of Experts on the DRC
Submitted in Accordance with Paragraph 4 of Security Council Resolution 2021
(2011), New York, 27 June 2012 [S/2012/348/Add.1].


---, Rapport final du Groupe d’experts sur la République démocratique du Congo
conformément au paragraphe 4 de la résolution 2021 (2011), / Final report of the
Group of Experts on the DRC submitted in accordance with paragraph 4 of
Security Council resolution 2021 (2011), New York, 15 November 2012


Newbury, David, “The Continuing Process of Decolonization in the Congo: Fifty
Years Later”, African Studies Review, 55-1, 2012 pp. 131-141.


Reyntjens, Filip, La grande guerre africaine: instabilité, violence et déclin de
l’Etat en Afrique centrale, 1996-2006, Paris: Les Belles lettres, 2012, 367 p.
[Trad. de The Great African War: Congo and Regional Geopolitics, 1996-2006,
Cambridge, UK/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009, 327 p.]


Schatzberg, Michael, “The Structural Roots of the DRC's Current Disasters: Deep
Dilemmas”, African Studies Review, 55-1, 2012, pp. 117-121.


Stearns, Jason; Kiepe, Tymon; Nicoll, Fergus; Thill, Michel, From CNDP to
M23: The Evolution of an Armed Movement in Eastern Congo, London: Rift
Valley Institute, 2012, 78 p.


Stearns, Jason; Kiepe, Tymon; Nicoll, Fergus; Thill, Michel, North Kivu: The
Background to Conflict in North Kivu Province of Eastern Congo, London: Rift
Valley Institute, 2012, 48 p. Mines; économie


Ayres, Christopher, “The international Trade in Conflict Minerals: Coltan”,
Critical Perspectives on International Business, 8-2, 2012, pp. 178-193.


Bleischwitz, Raimund; Dittrich, Monika; Pierdicca, Chiara, “Coltan from Central
Africa: International Trade and Implications for Any Certification”, Resources
Policy, 37-1, 2012, pp.19-29.


Doevenspeck, Martin; Mwanabiningo, Nene Morisho, “Navigating Uncertainty:
Observations from the Congo-Rwanda Border”, in Bruns, Bettina; Miggelbrink,

Judith (eds.), Subverting Borders: Doing Research on Smuggling and Small-scale
Trade, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften/ Springer Fachmedien
Wiesbaden GmbH, 2012, pp. 85-105.

Drimmer, Jonathan; Phillips, Noah Joshua, “Sunlight for the Heart of Darkness:
Conflict Minerals and the First Wave of SEC Regulation of Social Issues”,
Human Rights & International Legal Discourse, 6-1, 2012, pp. 131-158.


Footer, Mary, “Shining Brightly: Human Rights and the Responsible Sourcing of
Diamond and Gold Jewellery from High Risk and Conflict-Affected Areas”
Human Rights & International Legal Discourse, 6-1, 2012, pp. 159-191.


Kabamba, Patience, “External Economic Exploitation in the DRC: 1990–2005”,
African Studies Review, 55-1, 2012, pp. 123-130.


Le Ster, Marine, “L’Est de la République Démocratique du Congo: du ‘scandale
géologique’ au scandale politique, économique, humanitaire…”, Les Cahiers
d’Outre-Mer, 255, 2011, pp. 435-438. Pole Institute


Mana, Kä, Réflexions sur l’invention et la refondation de l’Etat en RDC: créer un
nouvel imaginaire politique: premier volume des Actes du Colloque
‘Gouvernance et refondation de l’Etat en République démocratique du Congo,
Goma, juin 2012’, Goma: Pole Insititute (Institut interculturel dans la Région des
Grands Lacs), OGP (Observatoire Gouvernance et Paix, Bukavu), Mali (Maniema
Liberté, Kindu), RECIC (Réseau congolai d’éducation civique, Kinshasa), 2012,
161 p.
4.1.5 Grands Lacs


Hamann, Hartmut, “Can Decentralisation Contribute to Promoting Rule-Of-Law
Structures? The Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Burundi as
Examples”, Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 15-2, 2012, pp. 32-68.


Sodipo, Babajide; Muna Musiitwa, Jacqueline, “Regional Integration and the
Future of Rwanda”, in Campioni, Maddalena; Noack, Patrick (eds.), Rwanda Fast
Forward: Social, Economic, Military and Reconciliation Prospects, Basingstoke,
UK; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, pp.113-125.


Rusagara, Frank, “The Spread of the ‘Genocide Ideology’ within the Great Lakes
Region: Challenges for Rwanda”, in Campioni, Maddalena; Noack, Patrick (eds.),
Rwanda Fast Forward: Social, Economic, Military and Reconciliation Prospects,
Basingstoke, UK; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, pp. 213-227.
4.1.6 East African Community


Buigut, Steven, “An Assessment of the Trade Effects of the East African
Community Customs Union on Member Countries”, International Journal of
Economics & Finance, 4-10, 2012, pp. 41-53.


Sanya, Sarah; Gaertner, Matthew, Assessing Bank Competition within the East
African Community, Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund, 2012, 25 p.

4.1.7 Afrique du Sud et Rwanda

Andrieu, Kora, La justice transitionnelle: de l’Afrique du Sud au Rwanda, Paris:
Gallimard (Folios Essai), 2012, 672 p.


Cyuma, Samuel, Picking Up the Pieces: The Church and Conflict Resolution in
South Africa and Rwanda, Oxford, UK: Regnum Books International, 2012, 373 p.


Wielenga, Cori, “Comparing Approaches to Reconciliation in South Africa and
Rwanda”, Conflict Trends, 4, 2011, pp. 38-45.
4.1.8 Darfur et Rwanda


Grunfeld, Fred, “Early Warning, Non-Intervention and Failed Responsibility to
Protect in Rwanda and Darfur”, in Boerefijn, Ineke; Henderson, Laura; Janse,
Ronald; Weaver, Robert (eds), Human rights and conflict : essays in honour of
Bas de Gaay Fortman, Cambridge, UK; Portland, OR: Intersentia, 2012, pp. 129158.
4.1.9 Autres pays d’Afrique et Rwanda Conflits; Violences


Pourtier, Roland, “Ressources naturelles et conflits en Afrique subsaharienne”,
Bulletin d’association de géographes francais, 89-1, 2012, pp. 34-53.


Shaw, Ibrahim Seaga, “‘Operation Restore Hope’ in Somalia and Genocide in
Rwanda”, in Idem, Human Rights Journalism: Advances in Reporting Distant
Humanitarian Interventions, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, pp. 122-143.


Straus, Scott, “Wars Do End! Changing Patterns of Political Violence in SubSaharan Africa”, African Affairs, 111-443, 2012, pp. 179-201. Economie


Anand, Sudhir; Desmond, Chris; Fuje, Habtamu; Marques, Nadejda, The Cost of
Inaction: Case Studies from Rwanda and Angola, Boston, MA: François-Xavier
Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights/Harvard University Press, 2012,
333 p.


Beegle, Kathleen; Calogero, Carletto; Himelein, Kristen, “Reliability of Recall in
Agricultural Data”, Journal of Development Economics, 98-1, 2012, pp. 34-41
[Kenya, Rwanda, Malawi].


Cooper, Elizabeth, “Women and Inheritance in Sub-Saharan Africa: What Can
Change?”, Development Policy Review, 30-5, 2012, pp. 641-657 [Ghana, Kenya,
Mozambique, Rwanda, Uganda]


Curry, Leslie; Taylor, Lauren; Chen, Peggy Guey-Chi; Bradley, Elizabeth,
“Experiences of Leadership in Health Care in Sub-Saharan Africa”, Human
Resources for Health, 10-1, 2012, pp. 33-41 [Ethiopia; Ghana; Liberia; Rwanda].


Domeher, Daniel; Abdulai, Raymond, “Land Registration, Credit and
Agricultural Investment in Africa”, Agricultural Finance Review, 72-1, 2012, pp.


Garg, C.; Evans, D.; Dmytraczenko, T.; Izazola-Licea, J.; Tangcharoensathien,
V.; Ejeder, T., “Study Raises Questions about Measurement of ‘Additionality,’ or
Maintaining Domestic Health Spending amid Foreign Donations”, Health Affairs
(Project Hope), 31-2, 2012, pp. 417-425 (Honduras, Rwanda, Thailand).


Mansion, Aurore; Rachmuhl, Virginie; Keita, Papa Ameth; Michelon, Benjamin;
Toutain, Olivier, Bâtir des villes pour tous en Afrique: leçons de quatre
expériences, Paris: GRET/GLTN-ONU-Habitat, 31, 2012, 145 p. [Maroc;
Mauritanie; Rwanda; Sénégal].


Milburn, Richard, “Mainstreaming the Environment into Postwar Recovery: The
Case for ‘Ecological Development’”, International Affairs, 88-5, 2012, pp.10831100 [DRC, Uganda, Rwanda].


Tetteh, Ebenezer Kwabena, “Responding to the Challenges of Social Health
Insurance in African Countries”, Development Southern Africa, 29-5, 2012, pp.
657-680. Politique


Coquery-Vidrovitch, Catherine, “Frontières africaines et mondialisation”,
Histoire@Politique, 17, 2012, pp. 149-164.


Epprecht, Marc, “Sexual Minorities, Human Rights and Public Health Strategies
in Africa”, 223-243.


Godwyll, Francis; Magadla, Siphokazi, “Educating Postconflict Societies:
Lessons from Rwanda and Liberia”, in Ensor, Marisa (ed.), African Childhoods:
Education, Development, and Peacebuilding on the Youngest Continent, New
York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, pp. 187-200.


Green, Elliott, “On the Size and Shape of African States”, International Studies
Quarterly, 56-2, 2012, pp. 229–244.


Hamann, H., “Can Decentralisation Contribute to Promoting Rule-of-Law
Structures: The Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Burundi as
Examples”, Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 15-2, 2012, pp. 32-68.


Ngongo, Prince Bahati; et al., “Developing Standards of Care for HIV Prevention
Research in Developing Countries: A Case Study of 10 Research Centers in
Eastern and Southern Africa”, AIDS Care, 24-10, 2012, pp. 1277-1289.


Tetteh, Ebenezer Kwabena, “Responding to the Challenges of Social Health
Insurance in African Countries”, Development Southern Africa, 29-5, 2012, pp.
657-680. Ethnologie


Doná, Giorgia, “Being Young and of Mixed Ethnicity in Rwanda”, Forced
Migration Review, 40, 2012, pp. 16-17.


Fessha, Yonatan Tesfaye, “Federalism, Territorial Autonomy and the
Management of Ethnic Diversity in Africa: Reading the Balance Sheet”,
L’Europe en formation, 363, 2012, pp. 265-285.
49 Droit

Eberechi, Ifeonu, “Who Will Save These Endangered Species? Evaluating the
Implications of the Principle of Complementarity on the Traditional African
Conflict Resolution Mechanisms”, African Journal of International and
Comparative Law, 20-1, 2012, pp. 22-41 [Rwanda, Uganda, Sierra Leone].


Graybill, Lyn, “Gender and Transitional Justice Experiences from South Africa,
Rwanda and Sierra Leone”, in Schnabel, Albrecht; Tabyshalieva, Anara (eds.),
Defying Victimhood: Women and Post-conflict Peacebuilding, New York: United
Nations University Press, 2012.


Rubagumya, Jean Chrysostome, Application of international Human Rights
Instruments (IHRIs) by Domestic Courts: A Comparative Study of Rwanda and
Ghana, Pretoria: University of Pretoria, Centre for Human Rights, 2012, 67 p.


Taku, Charles, Contextual Foundations of International Criminal Jurisprudence:
Selected Cases: An Insider’s Perspective, Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2012,
504 p.
4.2 Relations internationales ONU et Rwanda


Amnesty International, Rwanda: Briefing to the UN Committee against Torture,
London: AI, 2012, 14 p.


Carey, Henry, Privatizing the Democratic Peace: Policy Dilemmas of NGO
Peacebuilding, Basingstoke, UK; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 299 p.


Dijkstra, Hylke, “Efficiency versus Sovereignty: Delegation to the UN Secretariat
in Peacekeeping”, International Peacekeeping, 19-5, 2012, pp. 581-596.


Forsythe, David, “The UN Security Council and Response to Atrocities:
International Criminal Law and the P-5 [Permanent Five]”, Human Rights
Quarterly, 34-3, 2012, pp. 840-863.


Plauchut, Agathe, L’ONU face au génocide rwandais: le silence des machettes,
Paris: L’Harmattan, 2012, 238 p.


Wolf, Kevin, “Export and Reexport Controls to Rwanda and United Nations
Sanctions under the Export Administration Regulations”, Federal Register, 77141, 2012, pp. 42973-42980. ONU, Rwanda et autres pays


Ambrosetti, David, “The Diplomatic Lead in the United Nations Security Council
and Local Actors’ Violence: The Changing Terms of a Social Position”, African
Security, 5-2, 2012, pp. 63-87 [Rwanda, Sierra Leone].


Brattberg, Erik, “Revisiting UN Peacekeeping in Rwanda and Sierra Leone”,
Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice, 24-2, 2012, pp. 156-162. Prévention du génocide; Responsibility to Protect


Bond, Jennifer; Sherret, Laurel, “Mapping Gender and the Responsibility to

Protect: Seeking Intersections, Finding Parallels”,
Protect, 4-2, 2012, pp. 133-153.

Global Responsibility to


Breakey, Hugh, “Protection Norms and Human Rights: A Rights-Based Analysis
of the Responsibility to Protect and the Protection of Civilians in Armed
Conflict”, Global Responsibility to Protect, 4-3, 2012, pp. 309-333.


Contarino, Michael; Negrón-Gonzales, Melinda; Mason, Kevin, “The
International Criminal Court and Consolidation of the Responsibility to Protect as
an International Norm”, Global Responsibility to Protect, 4-3, 2012, pp. 275-308.


Davies, Sara; Teitt, Sarah, “Engendering the Responsibility to Protect: Women
and the Prevention of Mass Atrocities”, Global Responsibility to Protect, 4-2,
2012, pp. 198-222.


Hoffmann, Julia; Nollkaemper (eds.), Responsibility to Protect: From Principle
to Practice, Amsterdam: Pallas Publications, 2012, 384 p.


McCauley, Clark, “What Can Ideas about Genocide Tell Us about Terrorism?”,
Global Responsibility to Protect, 4-3, 2012, pp. 363-367.


Nanda, Ved, “From Paralysis in Rwanda to Bold Moves in Libya: Emergence of
the Responsibility to Protect Norm under International Law: Is the International
Community Ready for it?”, Houston Journal of International Law, 34-1, 2011, pp.


Ramsey, Charity, “Rescuing Those Who Are Stumbling to the Slaughter: A
Comprehensive Approach to Genocide Prevention”, Regent Journal of
International Law, 8-2, 2012, pp. 325-362.


Skjelsbæk, Inger, “Responsibility to Protect or Prevent? Victims and Perpetrators
of Sexual Violence Crimes in Armed Conflicts”, Global Responsibility to Protect,
4-2, 2012, pp. 154-171.


Staub, Ervin, “Understanding Origins, But Also Prevention and Reconciliation”,
Global Responsibility to Protect, 4-3, 2012, pp. 368-375.


Weitz, Eric, “Violence and Power: A Comment on Ervin Staub’s Overcoming
Evil”, Global Responsibility to Protect, 4-3, 2012, pp. 359-362.
4.2.2 Communauté internationale


Caplan, Gerald, “Some Truth and Justice for Rwanda at Last”, Foreign Policy in
Focus, 7-4, 2012, n.p. [Internet]


Kassner, Joshua, Rwanda and the Moral Obligation of Humanitarian Intervention,
New York: Columbia University Press, 2012, 248 p.


McQueen, Carol, Humanitarian Intervention and Safety Zones: Iraq, Bosnia and
Rwanda, Basingstoke, UK; New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2005, 230 p.
4.2.4 Union Européenne et Rwanda


Del Biondo, Karen, “Norms, Self-interest and Effectiveness: Explaining Double
Standards in EU Reactions to Violations of Democratic Principles in Sub-Saharan
Africa”, Afrika Focus, 25-2, 2012, pp. 109-120.


Minoia, Paola, “Included or Excluded? Civil Society, Local Agency and the
Support Given by European Aid Programmes”, Fennia, 190-2, 2012, pp. 77-89.
4.2.6 France et Rwanda


Bakong, Patrice Émery, La politique militaire africaine de la France: forces
sociales et changements récents, Paris: l’Harmattan, 2012, 268 p.


Collectif, La Nuit rwandaise, 6, Paris: Izuba/L’Esprit Frappeur, 7 avril 2012, 485 p.
Schaff, Jacques, “Le génocide des Tutsi du Rwanda dans les manuels scolaires français de
1995 à 2008”,
Mugesera, Antoine, “Filip Reyntjens: du chercheur engagé au militant enragé”,
Bizimana, Jean-Damascène, “Les facettes du négationnisme du génocide des Tutsi de
1994 à nos jours”,
Ndahiro, Tom, “Le juge espagnol passible de poursuites”,
Morel, Jacques, “Lettre à Daniel Mermet: Émission Là-bas si j’y suis”,
Gauthier, Alain, “Les victimes du génocide des Tutsi attendent toujours que justice soit
rendue en France…”,
Robert, Nicolas, “Assignés devant le TGI de Bordeaux pour ‘atteinte au respect de la
présomption d’innocence’”,
Ba, Mehdi, “Attentat du 6 avril 1994: la faillite des ‘experts’”,
Sitbon, Michel, “Un attentat français”,
Semujanga, Josias, “Quand l’humanitaire serre la main du diable ou l’indicible de
Mugrefya, Tito, “Impacts de la reconnaissance et du déni du génocide sur les rescapés”,
Cossic, Yves; Galabert, Jean-Luc, “Désolation, déracinement et perte de sens de la langue
Grieder, Andrea, “Fractures de vie sur la colline de Nyamagumba”; “Vivre après et avec le
génocide contre les Tutsi au Rwanda”,
Murangira, César, “Le devoir de mémoire, l’obligation de justice: un engagement de tous
les jours pour les rescapés et survivants du génocide des Tutsi du Rwanda”,
Junod, Roland, “Le concept de génocide: enjeux juridiques, éthiques, politiques et
France Rwanda Génocide, “La responsabilité de la France dans les guerres au Congo exZaïre”,
Ngabonziza, Jean-Claude, “L’origine de la haine du Tutsi au Rwanda”; “Rwanda: du
symbolique biblique du mal au supplice humain”,
Sitbon, Michel, “Bosnie, Rwanda: les crimes de la Vierge”,
Benoune, Mahfoud, “La doctrine contre-révolutionnaire de la France et la paysannerie
algérienne : les camps de regroupement (1954-1962)”.


Collectif, Rwanda: les archives secrètes de Mitterrand (1982-1995), Paris:
L’Esprit Frappeur, 2012, 550 p.


Farnel, Serge, Rwanda, 13 mai 1994: un massacre français, Paris: Esprit frappeur,
2012, 796 p.


Nashi, Emmanuel Murhula, “Paris-Bruxelles, Rwanda 1994: Rivalités
géopolitiques et polémiques médiatiques”, in Reyntjens, Filip; Vandeginste, S.;
Verpoorten, M. (eds.), L’Afrique des grands lacs: Annuaire 2011-2012, Anvers:
Centre d’étude de la région des grands lacs d’Afrique/Paris: L’Harmattan, 2012,
pp. 351-374


Ndagijimana, Jean-Marie, La France a-t-elle participé au génocide rwandais?,
Orléans: La Pagaie, 2012, 150 p.


Sitbon, Michel, Rwanda, 6 avril 1994: un attentat français?, Paris: L’Esprit
Frappeur, 2012, 120 p.


Trévidic, Marc; Poux, Nathalie; Oosterlinck, Claudine; Van Schendel, Daniel;
Huon, Jean; Sompayrac, Jean; Chavaniscour, Olivier, Rapport d’expertise:
destruction en vol du Falcon 50, Kigali (Rwanda), Cour d’appel de Paris,
Tribunal de grande instance de Paris, 5 janvier 2012, 338 p.


Vidal, Claudine, “Sur un emballement médiatique: l’attentat du 6 avril 1994
contre le président Habyarimana: comment la presse française a fait dire à un
rapport d’expertise ce qu’il ne disait pas”, in Reyntjens, Filip; Vandeginste, S.;
Verpoorten, M. (eds.), L’Afrique des grands lacs: Annuaire 2011-2012, Anvers:
Centre d’étude de la région des grands lacs d’Afrique/Paris: L’Harmattan, 2012,
pp. 337-350
4.2.7 Royaume Uni et Rwanda


Cameron, Hazel, Britain’s Hidden Role in the Rwandan Genocide: The Cat’s
Paw, Routledge, 2102, 160 p.
4.2.8 Ex-Yougoslavie et Rwanda


Klusemann, Stefan, “Massacres as Process: A Micro-sociological Theory of
Internal Patterns of Mass Atrocities”, European Journal of Criminology, 9-5,
2012, pp. 468-480 [Bosnia; Rwanda]


Stein, Sabrina, “The UN and Genocide: A Comparative Analysis of Rwanda and
the Former Yougoslavia”, in Attina, Fulvio (ed.), The Politics and Policies of
Relief, Aid and Reconstruction: Contrasting Approaches to Disasters and
Emergencies, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, pp. 173-190.
4.2.9 États-Unis et Rwanda


Lehrke, Dylan Lee, “The Banality of the Interagency: U.S. Inaction in the
Rwanda Genocide”, in Weitz, Richard (ed.), Case Studies Working Group Report,
Carlisle, PA : Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, 2012, Vol. 2,
pp. 439-542.


Ofodile, Uche Ewelukwa; Kassim, Hisham; Selzer, Terry; Schroder, Sarita,
“International Investment and Development”, The International Lawyer, 46-1,
2012, pp. 239-252.


Olson, Karl, 1994 Rwanda Genocide: US Responses to a Similar Situation,
Internet: BiblioScholar, 2012, 82 p.


Ryan, Sarah, “Fulfilling the U.S. Obligation to Prevent Exterminationism: A
Comprehensive Approach to Regulating Hate Speech and Dismantling Systems
of Genocide”, Loyola University Chicago Law Journal, 43-2, 2012, pp. 317-356.


Shibata, Makalena, A Case Study on the U.S. Policy in Humanitarian Intervention:
Somalia, Rwanda, and Liberia, Internet: BiblioScholar, 2012, 46 p.
4.2.10 Rwanda et autres génocides


Bellamy, Alex, Massacres and Morality: Mass Atrocities in an Age of Civilian

Immunity, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2012, 450 p.

Bellamy, Alex, “Getting Away with Mass Murder”, Journal of Genocide
Research, 14-1, 2012, pp. 29-53.


De Waal, Alex; Meierhenrich, Jens; Conley-Zilkic, Bridget, “How Mass
Atrocities End: An Evidence-Based Counter-Narrative”, Fletcher Forum of
World Affairs, 36-1, 2012, pp. 15-32.


Ishiyama, John; Pechenina, Anna, “Environmental Degradation and Genocide,
1958–2007”, Ethnopolitics, 11-2, 2012, pp. 141-158.


Jaworski, Katrina, “The Methodological Crisis of Theorising Genocide in Africa:
Thinking with Agamben and Butler”, African Identities, 10-3, 2012, pp. 349-365.


Marcus, Kenneth, “Accusation in a Mirror”, Loyola University Chicago Law
Journal, 43-2, 2012, pp. 357-394.


Moses, Dirk, “The Canadian Museum for Human Rights: The ‘Uniqueness of the
Holocaust’ and the Question of Genocide”, Journal of Genocide Research, 14-2,
2012, pp. 215-238.


Nishimura, Megumi, “Political Cleavages and the Propensity for Victimization:
Voices of Survivors”, Terrorism and Political Violence, 24-3, 2012, pp. 415-436.


Staub, Ervin, “The Roots and Prevention of Genocide and Related Mass
Violence”, Zygon, 47-4, 2012, pp. 821-842.


Straus, Scott, “Retreating from the Brink: Theorizing Mass Violence and the
Dynamics of Restraint”, Perspectives on Politics, 10-2, 2012, pp. 343-362.
4.2.11 Generalia: livres


Anderson, E.; Anderson, Barbara, Warning Signs of Genocide: An
Anthropological Perspective, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 230 p.


Davis, Peter, Corporations, Global Governance, and Post-Conflict
Reconstruction, New York: Routledge, 2012, 226 p. [Azerbaijan; Bosnia;


Dhena, Pétillon Muyambi; Tshiyembe, Mwayila, Droit d’ingérence humanitaire
et normes internationales impératives: essai sur les crimes de guerre, crimes
contre l’humanité et crime de génocide, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2012, 206 p.


Herman, Edward; Peterson, David, Génocide et propagande:
l’instrumentalisation politique des massacres, Montréal: Lux, 2012, 177 p. [cf.
Idem, The Politics of Genocide, New York: Monthly Review Press, 2010, 159 p].


Mashimango, Abou-Bakr Abelard, La dimension sacrificielle de la guerre:
essai sur la martyrologie politique, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2012, 226 p.


Weiss, Thomas, Humanitarian Intervention: Ideas in Action, Cambridge, UK;
Malden, MA: Polity Press, 2012, 226 p.


5.1 Rwanda National

Aldashev, Gani; Chaara, Imane; Platteau, Jean-Philippe; et al., “Formal Law as A
Magnet to Reform Custom”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 60-4,
2012, pp. 795-828.


Dowuona-Hammond, Christine; Umubyeyi, Christine, Access to Justice in Civil
Matters: A Critical Analysis of Legal Representation of Minors Under
Guardianship In Rwanda, Pretoria: University of Pretoria, Centre for Human
Rights, 2012.


Gahima, Gerald, Transitional Justice in Rwanda: Accountability for Atrocity,
London/New York: Routledge, 2012, 440 p.


Morgan, Sally, “Rwanda: Global Experts in Large Scale Restorative Justice”,
Ethos, 20-1, 2012, pp. 7-13.


Ngabo Bongayi, Kizito, The Crime of Direct Contempt and Its Repression Under
Rwanda Law, Saarbrücken: LAP Lampert Academic Publishing, 2012, 72 p.


Paust, Jordan, “Genocide in Rwanda, State Responsibility to Prosecute or
Extradite, and Nonimmunity for Heads of State and Other Public Officials”,
Houston Journal of International Law, 34-1, 2011, pp. 57-86.
5.1.2 Gacaca


Bornkamm, Paul Christoph, Rwanda’s Gacaca Courts: Between Retribution and
Reparation, Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2012, 271 p.


Breed, Ananda, “Discordant Narratives in Rwanda’s Gacaca Courts”, in
Campioni, Maddalena; Noack, Patrick (eds.), Rwanda Fast Forward: Social,
Economic, Military and Reconciliation Prospects, Basingstoke, UK; New York:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, pp. 29-44.


Chakravarty, Anuradha, “‘Partially Trusting’ Field Relationships Opportunities
and Constraints of Fieldwork in Rwanda’s Postconflict Setting”, Field Methods,
24-3, 2012, pp. 251-271.


Dumas, Hélène, “Gacaca Courts in Rwanda: A Local Justice for a Local
Genocide History”, in Delage, Christian; Goodrich, Peter (eds.), The Scene of the
Mass Crime : History, Film, and International Tribunals, Abingdon, Oxon; New
York: Routledge, 2012.


Iliff, Andrew, “Root and Branch: Discourses of ‘Tradition’ in Grassroots
Transitional Justice”, International Journal of Transitional Justice, 6-2, 2012, pp.
253-273 [Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe].



Ingelaere, Bert, “From Model to Practice: Researching and Representing
Rwanda’s ‘Modernized’ Gacaca Courts”, Critique of Anthropology, 32-4, 2012,
pp. 388-414.


Ingelaere, Bert, “The Model and Its Double: How the Rwandan State Sees the
‘Modernized’ Gacaca Courts”, in De Lame, Danielle; Mazzocchetti, Jacinthe
(eds.), Interfaces empiriques de la mondialisation: African Junctions under the
Neoliberal Development Paradigm, Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities,
173, Tervuren: Musée royal de l’Afrique centrale, 2012, 351 p.


Jamar, Astrid, “Deterioration of Aid Coordination in Gacaca Implementation :
Dealing with the Past for a Better Future?”, in Campioni, Maddalena; Noack,
Patrick (eds.), Rwanda Fast Forward: Social, Economic, Military and
Reconciliation Prospects, Basingstoke, UK; New York: Palgrave Macmillan,
2012, pp. 76-95.


Molenaar, Arthur, Gacaca: Grassroots Justice after Genocide: The Key to
Reconciliation in Rwanda?, Saarbrücken: LAP Lampert Academic Publishing,
2012, 170 p.


Rimé, Bernard; Kanyangara, Patrick; Paez, Dario; Yzerbyt, Vincent, “Social
Rituals and Collective Expression of Emotion After a Collective Trauma:
Participation in Gacaca and Assimilation of the Rwandan Genocide”, in Jonas,
Kai; Morton, Thomas, Restoring Civil Societies: The Psychology of Intervention
and Engagement Following Crisis, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, pp.


Schimmel, Noam, “The Moral Case for Restorative Justice as a Corollary of the
Responsibility to Protect: A Rwandan Case Study of the Insufficiency of Impact
of Retributive Justice on the Rights and Well-Being of Genocide Survivors”,
Journal of Human Rights, 11-2, 2012, pp. 161-188.


Zwart, Tom, “Using Local Culture to Further the Implementation of International
Human Rights: The Receptor Approach”, Human Rights Quarterly, 34-2, 2012 pp.


Agbor, Avitus, “The Substantial Contribution Requirement: The Unfortunate
Outcome of an Illogical Construction and Incorrect Understanding of Article 6(1)
of the Statute of the ICTR”, International Criminal Law Review, 12-2, 2012, pp.


Gargot, Christophe; Lindeperg, Sylvie; Cruvellier, Thierry, D’Arusha à Arusha,
Trézélan: Filigranes, 2012, 160 p.; DVD, 113 m.


Eltringham, Nigel, “Spectators to the Spectacle of Law: The Formation of a
‘Validating Public’ at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda”, Ethnos,
77-3, 2012, pp. 425-445.


Goy, Barbara, “Individual Criminal Responsibility Before the International
Criminal Court: A Comparison with the Ad Hoc Tribunals”, International
Criminal Law Review, 12-1, 2012, pp. 1-70.


Hathaway, Oona; Nowlan, Aileen; Spiegel, Julia, “Tortured Reasoning: The
Intent to Torture under International and Domestic Law”, Virginia Journal of
International Law, 52-4, 2012, pp. 791-838.


Iyakaremye, Jean-Bosco, “La place escamotée de la victime dans les jugements
des massacres de masse: le cas du génocide contre les Tutsi du Rwanda”, in
Sagarra, Catalina (ed.), Génocide: les figures de la victime, Bruxelles: La Pensée
et les hommes, 85, 2012, pp. 49-67.


Le Gall, Élise, Lutte contre l’impunité et effectivité des droits des accusés: le cas
du Tribunal Pénal International pour le Rwanda, Saarbrücken: Editions
Universitaires Européennes, 2012, 132 p.


Mahdizadeh, Hossein; Oeter, Stefan; Azmayesh, Ali, Immunity of Heads of State
and its Effects on the Context of International Criminal Law, Saarbrücken: LAP
Lampert Academic Publishing, 2012, 176 p.


Matthew Saul, “Local Ownership of the International Criminal Tribunal for
Rwanda: Restorative and Retributive Effects”, International Criminal Law
Review, 12-3, 2012, pp. 427-456.


Mazabraud, Bertrand, “La justice pénale internationale: moralisation du monde,
mondialisation d’une morale”, Revue d’éthique et de théologie morale, 269, 2012,
pp. 25-48.


Morrill, Hanna, “Challenging Impunity? The Failure of the International Criminal
Tribunal for Rwanda to Prosecute Paul Kagame”, Brooklyn Journal of
International Law, 37-2, 2012, pp. 683-712.


Obote-Odora, Alex, “Transfer of Cases from the International Criminal Tribunal
for Rwanda to Domestic Jurisdictions”, African Journal of Legal Studies, 5-2,
2012, pp. 147-180.


Palmer, Nicola, “Transfer or Transformation ? A Review of the Rule 11 Bis
Decisions of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda”, African Journal of
International and Comparative Law, 20-1, 2012, pp. 1-21.


Palmer, Nicola, “Understandings of International Law in Rwanda: A Contextual
Approach”, in Kristjansdottir, E.; Nollkaemper, A.; Ryngaert, C. (eds.), Importing
International Law into Post-Conflict States: The Role of Domestic Court,
Brussels: Intersentia Publishing, 2012, pp. 153-174.


Saul, Matthew, “Local Ownership of the International Criminal Tribunal for
Rwanda: Restorative and Retributive Effects”, International Criminal Law
Review, 12-3, 2012, pp. 427-456.


Scheffer, David, “Credible Justice for Rwanda”, in Idem, All the Missing Souls: A
Personal History of the War Crimes Tribunals, Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 2011, pp. 69-85.


Silva, Rosmerlin Estupiñan, “La ‘gravité’ dans la jurisprudence de la cour pénale
internationale à propos des crimes de guerre”, Revue internationale de droit pénal,
82, 2011, pp. 541-558.


Sloane, Robert, “The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda”, in Giorgetti,
Chiara (ed.), The Rules, Practice, and Jurisprudence of International Courts and
Tribunals, Leiden; Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2012.


Szoke-Burke, Sam, “Avoiding Belittlement of Human Suffering: A Retributivist
Critique of ICTR Sentencing Practices”, Journal of International Criminal
Justice, 10-3, 2012, pp. 561-580.


United Nations, Security Council, Resolution 2080 (2012) Adopted by the
Security Council at its 6885th Meeting, on 12 December 2012 [regarding] The
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, NY: UN, 2012, 4 p. [S/RES/2080


Zoungrana, François, Le rôle du Tribunal Pénal International pour le Rwanda
dans le développement du droit international pénal et la lutte contre l’impunité,
Saarbrücken: Editions Universitaires Européennes, 2012, 148 p.


Zyberi, Gentian, “The Role of International Criminal Courts and Tribunals in
Post-Conflict Societies”, in Boerefijn, Ineke; Henderson, Laura; Janse, Ronald;
Weaver, Robert (eds), Human rights and conflict : Essays in honour of Bas de
Gaay Fortman, Cambridge, UK; Portland, OR: Intersentia, 2012, pp. 367-385. Genre (Gender); droit du viol


Bunting, Annie, “Forced Marriage in Conflict Situations: Researching and
Prosecuting Old Harms and New Crimes”, Canadian Journal of Human
Rights/Revue canadienne des droits de la personne, 1-1, pp. 165-186.


Fourçans, Claire, “La répression par les juridictions pénales internationales des
violences sexuelles commises pendant les conflits armés”, Archives de politique
criminelle, 34, 2012, pp. 155-165 [ex-Yougoslavie; Rwanda; Sierra Leone]


Hubbard, Jessica, Understanding Rape as Genocide: A Feminist Analysis of Sexual
Violence and Genocide, Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller, 2012, 102 p.


Koomen, Jonneke, “‘Without These Women, the Tribunal Cannot Do Anything’:
The Politics of Witness Testimony on Sexual Violence at the International
Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda”, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society,
38-2, 2012, pp. 253-277. Incitation à la haine (Hate Speech)


Benesch, Susan, “The Ghost of Causation and a Sturdier Understanding of
Incitement to Genocide”, in Predrag Dojčinović (ed.), Propaganda, War Crimes
Trials and International Law: From Speakers’ Corner to War Crimes, Abingdon,
UK; New York: Routledge, 2012, 336 p.


Benesch, Susan, “The Prosecution of a Pop Star and the International Criminal
Law of Speech”, in Carey, Henry; Mitchell, Stacey (eds.), Trials and Tribulations
of International Prosecution, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2012, 326 p.


Gordon, Gregory, “Formulating a New Atrocity Speech Offense: Incitement to
Commit War Crimes”, Loyola University Chicago Law Journal, 43, 2, 2012, pp.

Claverie, Élisabeth, “Mettre en cause la légitimité de la violence d’État”,
Quaderni, 78, 2012, pp. 67-83.


Galbraith, Jean, “The Good Deeds of International Criminal Defendants”, Leiden
Journal of International Law, 25-3, 2012, pp. 799-813.


Hola, Barbora; Bijleveld, Catrien; Smeulers, Alette, “Consistency of International
Sentencing: ICTY and ICTR Case Study”, European Journal Of Criminology, 95, 2012, pp. 539-552.


Liang, Jessica, “The Inherent Jurisdiction and Inherent Powers of International
Criminal Courts and Tribunals: An Appraisal of Their Application”, New
Criminal Law Review: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal, 15- 3,
2012, pp. 375-413.


Lim, David, “Beyond Kampala: the U.S.’ Role in Supporting the International
Criminal Court’s Mission”, Syracuse Journal of International Law and
Commerce, 39-2, 2012, pp. 441-468.


McCoy, Tiffani, Sexual Violence and Genocide in Bosnia and Rwanda:
Confronting the Failure of International Intervention and Supporting Survivors in
a Post-Conflict Society, Saarbrücken: LAP Lampert Academic Publishing, 2012,
80 p.


Nicolas, Marie, Le droit au délai raisonnable devant les juridictions pénales
internationales, Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2012, 168 p.


Nittmann, C.; Franke, B.; Augustin, C.; Püschel, K., “Kriminologie und
Viktimologie von Vergewaltigungen im Rahmen kriegerischer
Auseinandersetzungen am Beispiel des ehemaligen Jugoslawiens und Ruandas”,
Archiv Für Kriminologie, 230-1/2, 2012, pp. 1-12.


Pétré, Julie, L’outrage aux tribunaux pénaux internationaux, Paris: L’Harmattan,
2012, 149 p.


Philpott, Daniel, “Peace after Genocide: Torn Societies Need Reconciliation, Not
the International Communities Theology of Prosecution”, First Things, 224,
2012, pp. 39-46.


Shany, Yuval, “Assessing the Effectiveness of International Courts: A GoalBased Approach”, The American Journal of International Law, 106-2, 2012, pp.


Smith, Charles Anthony, “Third-Party War Crimes Tribunals: The ICTY and the
ICTR; The Former Yugoslav States; Rwanda”, in Idem, The Rise and Fall of War
Crimes Trials: From Charles I to Bush II, Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2012, pp. 155-184.


6.1.1 Romans francophones

Bohoussou, Philomene, Je suis ta sœur rwandaise, Québec/Ontario: dhArtEditions, 2012, 130 p.


Fantouré, Alioum, Siècle de Pygmée, Paris: Publibook, 2012, 336 p.


Mukasonga, Scholastique, Notre-Dame du Nil, Paris: Gallimard, 2012, 222 p.
6.1.3 Romans anglophones


Benaron, Naomi, Running the Rift, Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin Books of Chapel
Hill, 2012, 365 p.


Deme, Amadou, Tribute to a Godfather: Story of a Rwandese Child Soldier,
Internet: Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, 2012, 216 p.


Leith, Denise, What Remains, Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 2012, 384 p.


Park, Tony, Dark Heart: Beauty, Death, Redemption, London: Quercus, 2012,
448 p.


Schulman, Audrey, Three Weeks in December, New York: Europa Editions, 2012,
353 p.
6.1.5 Romans: autres langues


Jansen, Hanna, Herzsteine, Wuppertal: Hammer, 2012, 200 p.


Peeters, Koen, Duizend heuvels, Antwerpen: De Bezige Bij Antwerpen, 2012,
288 p.
6.1.8 Nouvelles


Minot, Stephen, “Rwanda: A Story”, in Minot, Stephen; Thiel, Diane (eds.),
Three Genres : The Writing of Literary Prose, Poems, and Plays, Boston:
Longman, 2012, pp. 69-77.
6.1.11 Littérature juvénile anglophone


Greitens, Eric, The Warrior’s Heart: Becoming a Man of Compassion and
Courage, Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012, 288 p.
6.1.12 Bandes dessinées


Debomy, Frédéric; Bramanti, Olivier, Turquoise, Paris: Buchet & Chastel, 2012,
96 p.
6.1.13 Photographie, livres illustrés


Bogre, Michelle, Photography as Activism: Images for Social Change,
Amsterdam; Boston: Focal Press, 2012, 184 p.


Crawley, Karen; Simic, Olivera, “Unintended Consequences: Representations of
Rwandan Women and their Children Born from Rape”, The Australian Feminist
Law Journal, 36, 2012, pp. 87-106.


Robinet, François, “Voir/ne pas voir la mort: les représentations photographiques
des conflits des Grands Lacs dans les médias français (1994-1997)”, Questions de
communication, 20, 2011, pp. 49-78.
6.1.14 Arts


Malu, Kathleen, “Threads of Peace in Rwanda”, Surface Design Journal, 36-4,
2012, pp. 42-45.


Murphy, Michael; Ricks, Alan; Farmer, Paul; Baan, Iwan, MASS Design Group
Empowering Architecture: The Butaro Hospital, Rwanda, Boston, MA: MASS
Design Group, 2012, 172 p.
6.1.16 Autres


Young, Mark,The Best Ever Book of Rwandan Jokes: Lots and Lots of Jokes
Specially Repurposed for You-Know-Who, CreateSpace Independent Publishing
Platform, 2012, 106 p.
6.2 Études critiques


Ajiduhun, C., “Femi Osofisan’s Discourse on Pan-Africanism and Reconciliation
in Nkrumah-Ni ... Africa-Ni and Reel, Rwanda”, Tydskrif Vir Letterkunde, 49-2,
2012, pp. 89-98.


Andrieu de Levis, Jean-Charles, “Olivier Bramanti et Frédéric Debomy:
entretien”, Internet: Du 9, 2012, 10 p.Applegate, Elizabeth, “Reimagining the
Swallow and the Toad: Narrating Identity and Reconciliation in Postgenocide
Rwanda”, Research in African Literatures, 43-1, 2012, pp. 70-88.


Basabose, Philippe, “Victime d’être victime: le rescapé de l’Itsembabwoko en
mauvaise posture”, in Sagarra, Catalina (ed.), Génocide: les figures de la
victime, Bruxelles: La Pensée et les hommes, 85, 2012, pp. 87-105.


Gbanou, Sélom Komlan, “Le dire de l’événement dans L’Aîné des orphelins:
quand le témoin est un témoignage”, in Sagarra, Catalina (ed.), Génocide: les
figures de la victime, La Pensée et les hommes (Bruxelles), 85, 2012, pp. 183-197.


Hitchcott, N., “Benjamin Sehene vs Father Wenceslas Munyeshyaka: The
Fictional Trial of a Genocide Priest”, Journal of African Cultural Studies, 24-1,
2012, pp. 21-34.


Kendrick, Lynne, “Mimesis and Remembrance”, Performance Research: A
Journal of Performing Arts,17-3, 2012, pp. 109-113.


Kopf, Martina, “The Ethics of Fiction: African Writers on the Genocide in
Rwanda”, Journal of Literary Theory, 6-1, 2012, pp. 65–82.


Meuret, Isabelle, “Le journalisme littéraire à l’aube du XXIe siècle: regards
croisés entre mondes anglophone et francophone”, COnTEXTES, 11, 2012, 20 p.


Nkejabahizi, Jean-Chrysostome, “La recherche linguistique et littéraire au
Rwanda dans la brume”, Synergies Afrique des Grands Lacs, 1, 2012, pp. 57-65.


Sagarra, Catalina, “Appropriations et déformations du culturel dans les récits de
témoignage de survivantes rwandaises”, in Hébert, Louis; Guillemette, Lucie
(eds.), Performances et objets culturels: repères théoriques, Québec: Presses
universitaires de Laval, 2012, pp. 183-206.


Spackman, Elizabeth; Zaytzeff, Ariane, “Theater With Former Child Soldiers”,
Peace Review, 24-3, 2012, pp. 325-331.


7.2 Documentaires; reportages

My Globe is Broken in Rwanda, Katharina von Schroeder, 2012, 76 m.


Rising from Ashes, T. C. Johnstone, 2012, 82 m.


They Are Stateless: A Documentary Against the UN Cessation Clause on
Rwandan Refugees, 2012, 48 m.
7.4 Études critiques


Ashuntantang, Joyce, “Hollywood’s Representation of Human Rights: The Case
of Terry George’s Hotel Rwanda”, in Higgins, MaryEllen (ed.), Hollywood’s
Africa after 1994, Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 2012, pp 54-67.


Barlet, Olivier; Thackway, Melissa, “Representing the Itsembabwoko”, Black
Camera, 4-1, 2012, pp. 234-251.


Bicamumpaka, Marie-Madeleine, “An Award-Winning Documentary on Rwanda
Censored off by its Third”, Internet: Rising Continent, August 22, 2012, 4 p.


Cieplak, Piotr, “Nick Hughes, Director of 100 Days (2001) Interviewed by Piotr
A. Cieplak”, in Wilson, Kristi; Crowder-Taraborrelli, Tomás (eds.), Film and
Genocide, Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2012, pp. 217-227.


Fisher, Duncan; Mitchell, Jolyon, “Portraying Forgiveness through Documentary
Film”, Studies in World Christianity, 18-2, 2012, pp. 154-168.


Hron, Madelaine, “Genres of ‘Yet an Other Genocide’: Cinematic
Representations of Rwanda”, in Wilson, Kristi; Crowder-Taraborrelli, Tomás
(eds.), Film and Genocide, Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press,
2012, pp. 133-155.


Khor, Lena, “The Politics of Sentimentality and Postsentimentality”, Peace
Review, 24-2, 2012, pp. 219-226.


Kowalski, Dean, “Moral Relativism: Hotel Rwanda”, in Idem (ed.), Moral Theory
at the Movies: An Introduction to Ethics, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield,
2012, pp. 65-88.


Mboti, Nyasha, “Song and Genocide: Investigating the Function of Yvonne
Chaka Chaka’s ‘Umqombothi’ in Hotel Rwanda”, Critical Arts: A South-North
Journal of Cultural & Media Studies, 26-5, 2012, pp. 728-744.


O’Connell, Richard, “Greg Barker, Director of Ghosts of Rwanda (2004)
Interviewed by Richard O’Connell”, in Wilson, Kristi; Crowder-Taraborrelli,
Tomás (eds.), Film and Genocide, Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin
Press, 2012, pp. 205-216.


Shaw, Dan, Morality and the Movies: Reading Ethics Through Film, London:
Continuum International Publishing, 2012, 208 p.


Triviño, José, Hotel Rwanda: entre el genocidio y el altruismo, Valencia : Tirant
lo Blanch, 2012, 85 p.


Van Schuylenbergh, Patricia; Zana Aziza Etambala, Mathieu (eds), Patrimoine
d’Afrique centrale: Archives Films: Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, 1912-1930,
Tervuren: Musée royal de l’Afrique centrale, 2010, 351 p.


8.1 Sciences de la nature
8.1.2 Botanique

Bouwmeester, H.; Legg, J.; Heuvelink, G.; Stoorvogel, J., “Comparison of
Disease Patterns Assessed by Three Independent Surveys of Cassava Mosaic
Virus Disease in Rwanda and Burundi”, Plant Pathology, 61-2, 2012, pp. 399412.


Cao, Martine; Muganga, Raymond; Nistor, Iolanda; et al., “LC-SPE-NMR-MS
Analysis of Strychnos usambarensis Fruits from Rwanda”, Phytochemistry
Letters, 5-1, 2012, pp. 170-173.


Gaidashova, Svetlana; Nsabimana, Antoine; Karamura, Deborah; et al.,
“Mycorrhizal Colonization of Major Banana Genotypes in six East African
Environments”, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 157, 2012, pp. 40-46.


Kissling, Jonathan, “Taxonomy of Exochaenium and Lagenias: Two Resurrected
Genera of Tribe Exaceae (Gentianaceae)”, Systematic Botany, 37-1, 2012, pp.


Meerts, Pierre; Bjora, Charlotte Sletten, “Synopsis of the Genus Chlorophytum
(Asparagaceae) in Central Africa (Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda,
Burundi)”, Plant Ecology and Evolution, 145-3, 2012, pp. 373-409.
8.1.4 Zoologie


Amori, Giovanni; Masciola, Sabrina; Saarto, Jenni; Gippoliti, Spartaco;
Rondinini, Carlo; Chiozza, Federica; Luiselli, Luca, “Spatial Turnover and
Knowledge Gap of African Small Mammals: Using Country Checklists as a
Conservation Tool”, Biodiversity and Conservation, 21-7, 2012, pp. 1755-1793.
8.1.5 Primatologie


Chancellor, Rebecca; Rundus, Aaron; Nyandwi, Sylvain, “The Influence of
Seasonal Variation on Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) Fallback
Food Consumption, Nest Group Size, and Habitat Use in Gishwati, a Montane
Rain Forest Fragment in Rwanda”, International Journal of Primatology, 33-1,
2012, pp. 115-133.


Chancellor, Rebecca; Langergraber, Kevin; Ramirez, Sergio; Rundus, Aaron;
Vigilant, Lin, “Genetic Sampling of Unhabituated Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes
schweinfurthii) in Gishwati Forest Reserve, an Isolated Forest Fragment in
Western Rwanda”, International Journal of Primatology, 33-2, 2012, pp. 479-488.


Grueter, Cyril; Ndamiyabo, Ferdinand; Plumptre, Andrew; Abavandimwe,
Didier; Mundry, Roger; Fawcett, Katie; Robbins, Martha, “Long-Term Temporal
and Spatial Dynamics of Food Availability for Endangered Mountain Gorillas in

Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda”, American Journal of Primatology, 2012, 14
p. [doi: 10.1002/ajp.22102]

Li, Yingying; Ndjango, Jean-Bosco; Learn, Gerald; Ramirez, Miguel; Keele,
Brandon; Bibollet-Ruche, Frederic; Liu, Weimi; Easlick, Juliet; Decker, Julie;
Rudicell, Rebecca; Inogwabini, Bila-Isia; Ahuka-Mundeke, Steve; Reynolds,
Vernon; Muller, Martin; Chancellor, Rebecca; Rundus, Aaron; Simmon, Nicole;
Worobey, Michael; Shaw, George; Peeters, Martine; Sharp, Paul; Hahn, Beatrice,
“Eastern Chimpanzees, but not Bonobos, Represent a Simian Immunodeficiency
Virus Reservoir”, Journal of Virology, 86-19, 2012, pp. 10776-10791.
8.1.8 Herpétologie


Dehling, Maximilian, “An African Glass Frog: A New Hyperolius Species
(Anura: Hyperoliidae) from Nyungwe National Park, Southern Rwanda”, Zootaxa,
3391, 2012, pp. 52-64.


Greenbaum, Eli; Tolley, Krystal; Joma, Abdulmeneem; Kusamba, Chifundera, “A
New Species of Chameleon (Sauria: Chamaeleonidae: Kinyongia ) from the
Northern Albertine Rift, Central Africa”, Herpetologica, 68-1, 2012, pp. 60-75.


Sinsch, Ulrich; Lümkemann, Katrin; Rosar, Katharina; Schwarz, K.; Dehling,
Maximilian, “Acoustic Niche Partitioning in an Anuran Community Inhabiting an
Afromontane Wetland (Butare, Rwanda)”, African Zoology, 47-1, 2012, pp. 60-74.
8.1.9 Entomologie


Korneyev, V., “Revision of the Genus Pyrgotomyia Hendel (Diptera:
Pyrgotidae)”, African Invertebrates, 53-1, 2012, pp. 187-203.


Stuke, Jens-Hermann, “A Revision of Afrotropical Species of Stylogaster
Macquart (Diptera: Conopidae), with Descriptions of Twenty-One New Species
and an Identification Key”, African Invertebrates, 53-1, 2012, pp. 267-354.


Wetterer, James, “Worldwide Spread of the African Big-headed Ant, Pheidole
megacephala (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)”, Myrmecological News, 17, 2012, pp.
8.2 Sciences de la terre
8.2.1 Géologie


Bockheim, J., “Revisiting the Definitions of the Sombric Horizon in Soil
Taxonomy and World Reference Base for Soil Resources”, Geoderma, 170, 2012,
pp. 127-135.


Gharahi Ghehi, N.; Cizungu Ntaboba, L.; Boeckx, P.; Mbonigaba Muhinda, J.;
Van Ranst, E.; Butterbach-Bahl, K.; Kiese, R.; Werner, C., “Spatial Variations of
Nitrogen Trace Gas Emissions from Tropical Mountain Forests in Nyungwe,
Rwanda”, Biogeosciences, 9-4, 2012, pp. 1451-1463.


Gharahi Ghehi, N.; Nemes, A.; Verdoodt, A.; et al., “Nonparametric Techniques
for Predicting Soil Bulk Density of Tropical Rainforest Topsoils in Rwanda”, Soil
Science Society of America Journal, 76-4, 2012, pp. 1172-1183.

8.2.2 Hydrologie; Limnologie

Descy, Jean-Pierre; Darchambeau, François; Schmid, Martin, Lake Kivu:
Limnology and Biogeochemistry of a Tropical Great Lake, Dordrecht; New York:
Springer, 2012.
Descy, Jean-Pierre; Darchambeau, François; Schmid, Martin, “Lake Kivu:
Past and Present”, pp. 1-12,
Schmid, Martin; Wüest, Alfred, “Stratification, Mixing and Transport
Processes in Lake Kivu”, pp. 13-30,
Pasche, Natacha; Muvundja, Fabrice; Schmid, Martin; Wüest, Alfred;
Müller, Beat, “Nutrient Cycling in Lake Kivu”, pp. 31-46,
Borges, Alberto; Bouillon, Steven; Abril, Gwenaël; Delille, Bruno; Poirier,
Dominique; Commarieu, Marc-Vincent; Lepoint, Gilles; Morana,
Cédric; Champenois, Willy; Servais, Pierre; Descy, Jean-Pierre;
Darchambeau, François, “Variability of Carbon Dioxide and Methane
in the Epilimnion of Lake Kivu”, pp. 47-66,
Sarmento, Hugo; Darchambeau, François; Descy, Jean-Pierre,
“Phytoplankton of Lake Kivu”, pp. 67-84,
Llirós, Marc; Descy, Jean-Pierre; Libert, Xavier; Morana, Cédric; Schmitz,
Mélodie; Wimba, Louisette; Nzavuga-Izere, Angélique;Garcia-Armisen,
Tamara; Borrego, Carles; Servais, Pierre; Darchambeau, François,
“Microbial Ecology of Lake Kivu”, pp. 85-106,
Darchambeau, François; Isumbisho, Mwapu; Descy, Jean-Pierre,
“Zooplankton of Lake Kivu”, pp. 107-126,
Snoeks, Jos; Kaningini, Boniface; Masilya, Pascal; Nyina-Wamwiza,
Laetitia; Guillard, Jean, “Fishes in Lake Kivu: Diversity and Fisheries”,
pp. 127-152,
Pasche, Natacha, “Paleolimnology of Lake Kivu: Past Climate and Recent
Environmental Changes”, pp. 153-164,
Wüest, Alfred; Jarc, Lucas; Bürgmann, Helmut; Pasche, Natacha; Schmid,
Martin, “Methane Formation and Future Extraction in Lake Kivu”, pp.
Descy, Jean-Pierre; Darchambeau, François; Schmid, Martin, “Lake Kivu
Research: Conclusions and Perspectives”, pp. 181-190.


Munyaneza, O.; Wenninger, J.; Uhlenbrook, S., “Identification of Runoff
Generation Processes Using Hydrometric and Tracer Methods in a Meso-scale
Catchment in Rwanda”, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 9-1,
2012, pp. 671-705


Mupenzi, Jean de la Paix; Li, Lanhai; Ge, Jiwen; Ngamije, Jean; Achal,
Verenyam; Habiyaremye, Gabriel; Habumugisha, Jean de Dieu, “Water Losses in
Arid and Semi-arid Zone: Evaporation, Evapotranspiration and Seepage”, Journal
of Mountain Science, 9-2, 2012, pp. 256-261.


Ndekezi, Francois-Xavier, Hydrological Modeling of Nyabarongo River Basin in
Rwanda Using Combination of Precipitation Input from Meteorological Models,
Remote Sensing, and Ground Station Measurement, Saarbrücken: LAP Lampert
Academic Publishing, 2012, 108 p.


Olapade, O.; Omitoyin, B., “Anthropogenic Pollution Impact on Physicochemical Characteristics of Lake Kivu, Rwanda”, African Journal of Food,
Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 12-5, 2012, pp. 6517-6536.


Stoyneva, Maya; Descy, Jean-Pierre; Balagué, Vanessa; Compère, Pierre; Leitao,
Maria; Sarmento, Hugo, “The Queer Tetraëdron minimum from Lake Kivu
(Eastern Africa): Is It A Result of A Human Impact?”, Hydrobiologia, 698-1,
2012, pp. 273-283.
8.2.3 Paléontologie


Fernandez-Alonso, M.; Cutten, H.; De Waele, B.; Tack, L.; Tahon, A.; Baudet,
D.; Barritt, S., “The Mesoproterozoic Karagwe-Ankole Belt (formerly the NE
Kibara Belt): The Result of Prolonged Extensional Intracratonic Basin
Development Punctuated by Two Short-Lived Far-Field Compressional Events”,
Precambrian Research, 216-219, 2012, pp. 63-86.
8.2.6 Climatologie


Safari, Bonfils, “Trend Analysis of the Mean Annual Temperature in Rwanda
during the Last Fifty Two Years”, Journal of Environmental Protection, 3-6,
2012, pp. 538-551.


Nous avons oublié de recenser les travaux de M. Venant Rutunga dans la
Bibliographie de 2011 au chapitre Agriculture. Il a publié, inter alia:
Venant Rutunga; Karanja, Nancy; Gachene, Charles; “Six month-duration Tephrosia vogelii Hook.
f. and Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray Planted–Fallows for Improving Maize Production in
Kenya”, Biotechnol. Agron. Soc. Environ, 12-3, 2008, pp. 267-278.
Venant Rutunga, Henri Neel, “Yield trends in the long-term crop rotation with organic and inorganic
fertilisers on Alisols in Mata (Rwanda)”, Biotechnol. Agron. Soc. Environ, 2006, 10-3, pp. 217 228.
Venant Rutunga, C.K.K. Gachene, N.K. Karanja, C.A. Palm, “Grain Maize Yield Improvement
using Tephrosia vogelii and Tithonia diversifolia Biomass at Maseno, Kenya”, Tropical and
Subtropical Agroecosystems, 2, 2003, pp. 1-11.
Venant Rutunga, Nancy K. Karanja, Charles K.K. Gachene, “Decomposition rates of biomass from
six month-old Tephrosia vogelii, Tithonia diversifolia and natural fallow vegetation at Maseno,
Kenya”, Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, 19, 2001, pp. 49-62.
Venant Rutunga, Nancy K. Karanja, Charles K.K. Gachene, Cheryl Palm, “Biomass production and
nutrient accumulation by Tephrosia vogelii Hook F and Thithonia diversifolia (Hemsley) A. Gray
fallows during the six-month growth period at Maseno, Western Kenya”,. Biotechnol. Agron.
Soc. Environ, 3-4, 1999, pp. 237-246.
Rutunga V., Kavamahanga F., Nsengimana, “Synthèse des résultats de recherche sur l'agronomie du
caféier arabica (Coffea arabica L.) au Rwanda au 31 mars 1994. Tropicultura” 16-17, 1999, pp.
Venant Rutunga, Kurt G. Steiner, Nancy K. Karanja, Charles K.K. Gachene, Grégoire
Nzabonihankuye, “Continuous fertilization on non-humiferous acid Oxisols in Rwanda “Plateau
Central”: Soil chemical changes and plant production”, Biotechnol. Agron. Soc. Environ, 2-2,
1998, pp. 135-145.
Venant Rutunga, Gisela Splett, Wolfgang Zech, Kurt Steiner, 1992. Relationships between soil
parameters and the growth of wheat plants on an acid soil in Rwanda. Zeitschrift für


Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde [Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science]. 155 (4): 313–
Godefroid J., Lassoudière A., Rutunga V., Sebahutu A., “Caractéristiques des parties aériennes et du
système racinaire des bananiers triploïdes «AAA», sous-groupe bananes à bière de l'Afrique de
l'Est cultivées au Rwanda”, Fruits, 47-2, 1992 pp. 277-280.
Godefroy J., Perrier X., Rutunga V., Sebahutu A., “Relations entre les caractéristiques physicochimiques des sols de la région de Kibungo au Rwanda et le potentiel de production des
bananiers. Application à la gestion de la fertilité des sols”, Fruits, 46-6, 1991, pp. 625-631.
Godefroy J., Rutunga V., Sebahutu A. “Les terres de bananeraies dans la régions de Kibungo au
Rwanda: résultantes du milieu et des systèmes de culture”, Fruits, 46-2, 1991, 109-124.
Rutunga V., Sols acides de la région d'altitude de la crête Zaïre Nil (Rwanda) - Potentialités
agricoles et forestières, Nairobi:Lengo Publisher, 1997, 70 p.



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