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La participation de militaires français au massacre du 13 mai 1994 à Bisesero ? Une enquête manipulée

Card Number 27218

Morel, Jacques
23 avril 2019
La participation de militaires français au massacre du 13 mai 1994 à Bisesero ? Une enquête manipulée
704181 bytes
Pages nb.
On the basis of interviews carried out in April 2009 and February 2010, Serge Farnel assures that he gathered evidence that French soldiers participated in the great massacre of May 13 and 14, 1994 in Bisesero, Rwanda. After having an article published in the Wall Street Journal in 2010, he released a book in November 2011 in which he assures us that on May 13, 1994 "the Hutu population finished off the wounded" that "French soldiers allegedly began by shelling and then strafing". Nothing in all the testimonies of survivors had previously supported such a version of the facts. None had mentioned the presence of the French during this attack on May 13, the deadliest they suffered. A careful examination of the testimonies presented and of the method used reveals the fragility of the evidence put forward. The storyline is built on the assertions of militiamen who are too happy to accredit a version of their story where they are no longer the worst assassins. During interviews, the survivors are manipulated by the investigator to make them say what they have never said before. Questioned again, many of them contradict the comments attributed to them. Other testimonies are presented but do not mention the presence of French people on May 12 and 13. Their authors are thus summoned to justify a thesis which is foreign to them. This aside, certain testimonies of survivors retain their value. The gravity of the accusations against the French army required verifications which were not made. The dissemination of these unsubstantiated accusations can only confuse the complaints filed in 2005 against French soldiers, which the courts show so little eagerness to investigate.